Let the adventure begin
Moving can be changing your residence which I just did. That move is the inspiration for this blog. I know all types of moves can be challenging but the rewards — totally worth it. I’ve cleaned so much junk out of my life and I get to live in a new space. I’ll have new adventures inside my new home with my new neighbors.
Moving can also be —
Observing your thoughts and changing the ones that don’t serve you.
Taking a risk.
Challenging your belief systems and moving away from the ones that don’t match your value system.
Hearing the truth.
Reinstating your emotional guidance system to begin to live from your feelings and intuition.
Practicing your daily movements to change your body.
Going on a trip to change your perspective.
Taking a walk in nature to understand that change is your true nature!
Speaking the truth.
Loving everything that needs to flow away from you and all that comes toward you.
Be vulnerable
To make moves and change you must get comfortable with the feeling of vulnerability. To feel vulnerable requires letting go of safety.
Why on earth would anyone choose to let go of safety and security? Well, because to hang on in resistance to life’s movements hurts like heck.
I remember one time I was in a relationship with a man that I thought I loved and couldn’t live without. I hung on to him as he lied to me, belittled me, and cheated on me. To let go of him I’d have to let go of my beautiful house and my pricy lifestyle.
As I clung to him I became depressed, and find myself an empty shell of my former self. At times it felt safer to stay and endure his betrayals just to continue to drive my fancy car and live in my opulent house.
As I moved through this nightmare I felt the waves of life battering me as I clung to this cheating man. It was like he was a heavy boulder at the bottom of a rapidly flowing river. As I gripped tightly to that man boulder I felt pummeled by the rushing force of life.
Every moment I allowed myself to consider letting him go, I felt my grip loosen and my body lifting to ride the currents of life. I felt free.
After a few months of observing the heavyweight of holding on and the lightness of letting go — it became clear I needed to let him go. So, I did.
I love this quote from Rumi’s Path of Love, In wanting to hold on to security, to the rock at hand that we think will keep us safe, we forget our essential nature: We have emerged from the ocean of soul. We are like pearls, grown and made more beautiful by each tide of crashing over us again and again without respite. The ebbs and flows of existence are our natural habitat, and once we realize the risings and fallings we finally begin to feel at home.
Be a warrior
To allow movement in all aspects of your life requires the warrior aspect of yourself. You know the one the says, “I’m going to do whatever I have to do to move through this change and experience the adventure that it holds.”
Allow yourself to be life’s dance partner, hold the hands of your warrior and say, “Bring it on.” You will be taken on the ride of your life. There will be times when you are challenged but you will ultimately experience the thrill of a fully awake and alive life.
It’s within your reach
Find your inner warrior by opening your heart to love the flow of life. Focusing on what you desire from the shift. And finally, stay in balance as you ride the waves of that which is moving you!
You’ll love this week’s Ageless Movement Practice it provides you with some amazing warrior moves. They will open your heart to your inner warrior. You’ll focus on what you desire and let go of all other distractions. All with balance, grace, and ease. Flow on over here to join in!
You’ll be saying, Bring it on, I got this move handled!
I’d love to hear how you are handling your life moves in the comment section below.
Kristin Osgood Lamelas says
Oh Michelle, I am going to be the shiniest pearl after all of the battering I’m about to go through. I’ve been rolling and haaa- ing through it all. Thank you for this timely post. I hope your contractors make your home as beautiful as you are. Love, Kris
Michelle Andrie says
Thanks Kris! You are already a bright shiny pearl — Now, you’re being made even more beautiful!