Hey Hottie Hot, Hot,
You’ve been sooooo on my mind. Why??? I make up cuz it’s getting cold outside and I know you want to be warm. Well, I’ve got an Ageless Movement Practice to heat you up. Subscribe here to feel toasty.
I’m cold too. I’m in MN visiting Dad for his 82nd birthday. Yup, 82 years young and he’s in great shape. We hiked for his birthday in this bog, as in a swamp. Minnesota State Parks built an aluminum walkway one mile out into the swamp. So beautiful. We picked and ate cranberries along the way. Refreshhhhhing.

And cold. I wore a hat, scarf, down jacket, jeans and boots. To try to stay warm.
During the walk, I thought of you. The year you’ve had. I mean, this crazy energy we’re living in for goodness sake. And now, it’s winter. Cold and dark. Not your cup of tea.
Oh, hot tea, excuse me as I make some. I’m cold.
Vaca time
Ahhhhh, so good. Time to take a hot tea break from your life. A warm your soul vaca! You deserve it. I mean you do!
This week’s ageless movement practice is a warm your soul vacation.
Ok, imagine you are visiting me in Hawaii, we’re lying beside each other on the white sand beach. The sun is warming our skin. Clouds are drifting above us. Ocean waves rolling in and out are the only thing we hear.
You look up, gaze at the ocean, see a couple of whales jumping a hundred feet from shore. Jump up and run full speed to the water hollering at me to join you. Splash into the water toward the whales. I follow, laughing as we dive into a big wave. The water is so deliciously warm.
You stop to rest, looking out at the tremendous creatures diving in and out of the ocean. Turn to me and say “Oh, yay! This is my life”.
This is your life
Yes, get up now, put on the ageless movement practice. Hit play, start the practice, feel the sun, hear the ocean waves breaking on the beach as you breathe.
Do your ball work and sense your desire to move. Jump into the practice and feel the big wave coming as you go into movement and flow through it. You’re doing it.
Look at what you have to gain. It’s TREMENDOUS. You can rise up and dive down into warmth, breath, strength, opening, a whole new adventurous life.
You are worth it. Let’s warm up together.
Here’s my gift to you:
Ageless Body Note On Warmth
Hey Hottie,
I’m your body. I love to be warm. I hate the cold. You put on all those jackets and heavy sweaters to keep me warm but I love my skin kissing the sun. I extra love, love floating in warm water on a sunny day. All my muscles relax and I say, ahhhhhh!
So, if you can’t get me to the warm beach to swim in warm water. Move me in a way that warms me up from the inside out.
The temps are rising
I love to heat up by flowing in and out of poses, breathing to stoke the fire in my inner belly. Do it when you’re cold and I’ll reward you with an inner flame that burns all day to keep you warm.
I love it when you listen to me. Stoke my fire baby.
Your hot body (via Michelle Andrie)
P.S. – From your body that likes to be warm – Heat me up by checking out the Ageless Movement Practices to feel hot in less than 40 minutes.
P.S.S. -Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page. To hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners and join us on Friday mornings at 8 am Hawaii time, 2 pm EST, 1 pm CST and 11 am PST for Facebook Live Free Flow Fridays. I’ll introduce the new practice and offer tips, tools and in depth energy body pointers. In addition, I’ll answer any body/mind/spirit challenges that are coming up for you in the past practices or in your life.
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