You are the temple that contains your energy. That vibration that is uniquely you. Isn’t that wonderful?
Over time, all of us experience the deterioration of our temple bodies. It is here that we usually reach out and ask for help to repair the damage, to stop the disease, to reinforce the structure, to bolster the defenses or to prepare for the transition.
I wonder — why wait?
Why not start today? Now is the time to open your body/temple to allow the energy to flow in, mix with your current energy field and flow out in that special way everyone recognizes as you.
I’ve been privileged to do this work for over thirty years. Fortunately, I’ve seen thousands of people wake up and begin to move in ways that help them heal. That stops the deterioration.
Wonder — full keys to good healthy movement
A blend of myofascial release ball work to give yourself the best massage ever!
Breathwork so you can fully breathe.
Yoga-based movements to release energy blocks and free you to move with ease.
Yoga therapy to connect you to your whole being — your physical, mental, emotional and soulful self.
And WONDER — Yes, a child-like curiosity about what you feel. The aches, the pains and the places of tension. Wonder about the diseases, the disorders — whatever is happening in your body/being. They are there to get your attention to get you to pay attention to something. Wonder what that is!
Come back to the place Albert Einstein lived — here’s a quote from Walter Isaacson, University Professor of History at Tulane, former CEO of the Aspen Institute, chairman of CNN, and editor of Time magazine.
“Throughout his life, Albert Einstein would retain the intuition and the awe of a child. He never lost his sense of wonder at the magic of nature’s phenomena-magnetic fields, gravity, inertia, acceleration, light beams-which grown-ups find so commonplace. He retained the ability to hold two thoughts in his mind simultaneously, to be puzzled when they conflicted, and to marvel when he could smell an underlying unity. “People like you and me never grow old,” he wrote a friend later in life. “We never cease to stand like curious children before the great mystery into which we were born.”
Structure yourself to contain the special energy of you and to allow energy to flow in and out of your being. Stand like a curious child before the great mystery of yourself and your body/temple
Come back to your sense of wonder — wonder about your body. Wonder about your wounds, the spaces that feel good and those places that are calling you to pay attention. Special attention to you!
Let’s stand in wonder
Come to stand and kick-off your shoes if you can.
Visit with your FEET to honor your ANCESTORS
Stand with your feet inner hip-width apart. Line up your feet from the insides of your hip bones. Push into the outer edges of your heels, lift and spread your toes and set them softly to the earth.
Feel your feet. This is your base energy center. The space of your ancestors — you stepped into the walk you take. Pause and honor your ancestors.
Breathe in and out from your right foot and honor your dad’s ancestral line.
Breathe in and out of your left foot and honor your mom’s ancestral line.
Notice any aches, pains, bits of tension in your feet. Be curious about your bone issues, blood challenges, birth defects, and family diseases and defects. What are the ancestors trying to tell you?
Stand in wonder. The wonderment of those people who walked before you, the DNA messages you were given from them and the work they are requesting you to do — be in wonderment of it all.
Feel your LEGS to respect your PARENTS
Allow your feet to ground down into the earth in a straight line — like roots working their way deep into the soil.
Know that your right root holds dad’s energy. Dad came to teach you how to be here in the outer world. He taught you how to handle others & situations outside of yourself. Pause in wonderment and respect of dad. Notice any painful places and know this is dad attempting to teach you something. — What is it that he wants you to know about your outer world?
Your left leg holds mom’s energy. She came here to teach you how to be here in your inner world. How to feel, intuit and use your inner knowings. Pause in wonderment and respect of mom. Notice any painful places, injuries or hurts and know this is mom attempting to teach you something. What is it she wants you to know about your inner world?
Wonder about any eating disorders, anxiety, leg, knee or ankle issues. Be curious.
Judgment can come up as you work with ancestors and parents. Observe that judgment with curiosity and wonder. Let go of blame, anger, and depression by saying, haaaaa with each out-breath. Yes, haaaaa as in Alohaaaa. Haaaa is the sound of love. Let love transform your relationships.
Open your PELVIC BOWL to create using your gifts and talents
Pat your butt cheeks, drop your sacrum and tail straight down into the earth. your lumbar spine, sacrum, and tail are roots. These parts of our spine don’t twist or turn. The energy from your navel to your feet moves straight down. It is the space of human energy. Things can seem to make sense in the human realm — like 1 + 1 = 2.
As your tail moves down it will lift the front of your pelvis up. If you are really tight here you may need to bend your knees slightly.
You are centering your pelvic bowl, the cup that contains the energy of you. So you no longer spill out your energy.
This is your creative center. Sit back into your rooting tail to release the fear of sharing your gifts and talents.
Soften those butt cheeks, even more, to let go of control / guilt to feel your feelings.
Soften your inner legs to release the hold anger has on you so you can deeply, authentically connect to others.
Breathe deeply in and out of your pelvic bowl saying, haaaaaa. To transform all anger, fear, control/guilt you carry into love. Be curious about your pelvic wounds, sex, reproductive, hormonal challenges. Wonder about your lower back, and hip pain. Go into this space with wonder and listen to what your pelvic bowl wants and needs.
You came here to create your best life, feel your feelings and connect deeply with others.
Strengthen your SOLAR PLEXUS to own your power
Snap your ribs in and down toward your pelvic bowl. Now, you’ve engaged core. Place your hands on your belly and take deep breaths in and out of your belly. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth saying, haaaaaa. Feel your belly pooch out on each inhalation and feel it drop down and back on each exhalation.
Keep breathing and know this is your power center. You are in a human/spiritual center and energy begins to twist and turn here at thoracic vertebrae T11 or T 12 from your navel on up.
Your diaphragm resides here and the breath is like the bellows pushing air into the fire to stoke it. build it so you shine your light out into the world.
As you breathe here know on the left side of your belly lies your soul — that part of you that holds the truth of who you really are. The right side of your belly holds your personality — that which you show the world. These two energies are meant to circle dance together. Creating the vortex of your power.
Be in wonderment about digestive issues, hypertension, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder or liver challenges.
You came here to shine your light, to be bright and share your power. Be curious about the pain and tension, diseases and disorders of your belly. Wonder why you want to dim your light? What is really needed here in your powerful belly?
Love your HEART
Roll your inner arms out and squeeze your scapula together. Breathe in and out of your open heart. You are in a purely spiritual realm now. Feel spirit circling within you. Your spine can twist and turn quite a lot here if you aren’t holding heart tension.
Place your right hand over your right lung. Consciously move your breath into this right lobe of your lungs. And be with the energy of giving love to others.
Be curious about your loving others’ wounds. Go into this space as you breathe and bring in wonder. Wonder about your struggle to love others. Wonder what your heart needs to heal.
Place your left hand over your left lung. Breath in and out of this left lobe. Feel the energy of loving yourself.
Be curious about your self-love wounds. Go into this space as you breathe and bring in wonder. Wonder about your struggle to love yourself. Wonder what your heart needs to heal.
Be in wonder about your heart, lung, breast, arm and thymus challenges.
Take three deep breaths now in and out of both lobes of your lungs and breathe out grief. Haaaaaaa! Let it go to lighten up your heart. It wants to be light to be free to circle and circle in the mystery.
Vibrate your THROAT to speak your truth
Allow your head and neck to be loose and free to rest at the top of your spine.
The neck and throat is the space of your voice — You’re even more spiritual/twisty here. Your cervical spine can twist A LOT! The left side of your throat represents your inner voice, the right your outer voice.
You came here to speak your truth to yourself and others. When you don’t your neck and throat grow tight from swallowing your words or saying things that aren’t true. And listen, deeply listen to the vibrations you hear in your world.
Be curious about your tight jaw, your throat, ear, and mouth challenges. Wonder what they are trying to get you to pay attention to.
Breathe in deeply, open your mouth wide and release your vibration by saying, haaaaaa. You came here to vibrate your truth. Let your held vibrations go!!
Wonder about your neck tightness. What are you lying about? Be curious, ask to be shown. As you live more in your truth your neck will be free from pain and tension and you’ll be speaking up about what is true for you.
See-through the window of your soul the THIRD EYE
As Rumi says, Close your eyes to see with the other eye. Here lies your space of sight. As you close your eyes — what do you see inside of yourself. Insight is through your left eye. Notice with curiosity and wonder.
Open your eyes and look around your what do you see? Be curious. Take it all in with wonder.
The third eye is represented by the axis — the 2nd to the top vertebrae and it’s meant to twist in a 360 circle — what prevents that is a connection to the rest of the cervical vertebrae.
Wonder about your eyesight issues and headaches.
Breathe in and out of your third eye letting go of illusions and fantasies with each haaaaaa.
Free your CROWN to connect to all
Off the top of your head lies an energy vortex, a whirling tornado of energy where there is no longer the division of right or left. You are whirling with the Universe.
Wonder about your brain issues, delusions, and migraines.
Here you are completely in the unknown connecting to your idea of God.
Say, haaaa and whirl and twirl with the Universe. Merging completely with it until there is no division between you and the Universe.
You’ve come home back to Source. Be here. Leave attachments behind.
Your wake up to wonder body posture —
Take these grounded feet and walk in honor of your ancestors.
Respect your parents with each step you take.
Own your gifts and talents, feel your feelings and connect with others.
Be your powerful self.
Open to love.
Speak your truth.
See your reality.
Connect to Source.
Keep this open energy body posture.
Live in wonder and be curious with this week’s Wake up your entire body to wonder Ageless Movement Practice.
What stops you from experiencing the wonder of your mysterious body? Share with us in the comment section below.
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