You may have called someone a tight ass or even been labeled one. It means you or that person is a control freak. We all know some of those even if we don’t actually call them by name. And if it’s you — you know it!
Controlling others, or even your inner self, is impossible. It just causes you to be a pain in your own ass. And that is no fun! So, how do you stop having those thoughts where you wish someone or something in your life would be different — even you?? It’s super simple and starts with this week’s Ageless Movement Practice to free your hips.
The biggest control freaks ever!
I was fortunate enough to meet the sweetest, kindest, most handsome man! But as life would have it, he was in a relationship. I had to wait 10 years for our love relationship to begin!! And what an amazing relationship it was until — his family interfered.
One year into our relationship, my sweet partner, Ricardo asked his family to help him take care of his eighty-six-year-old mother who was experiencing dementia. His restaurant was super busy because he’d been featured on the Food Network’s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and he needed help.

No help
Well, to make a long story short — his family decided to help themselves instead of help take care of their mother. They wanted his success. They broke into his restaurant early one morning with bolt cutters and were there when the staff showed up and fired them or told them what to do.
We were on our way to Hawaii that morning and had to turn around in LA to come back so Ricardo could sue his family. Unfortunately, Ricardo’s mom owned the building that housed his restaurant.
Ricardo’s Lawyers recommended he move his business. That wasn’t what the siblings wanted — they wanted his restaurant just as it was. AND the money it was making after twenty some years of hard work on Ricardo’s part.
What a mess
These people stopped at nothing to try to control Ricardo. They did a smear campaign over social media. Threw their mother’s walker at us as we walked up the aisle in the courtroom. Shouted profanities toward us whenever and wherever they saw us. We even received threatening phone calls.
This went on for years as we moved on and opened a new restaurant. The ultimate hurt came when Ricardo’s siblings no longer allowed him to see his mom AND didn’t tell him when she was dying or had passed.
Their asses are so tight. Ricardo’s brother had to have hip replacement and his sisters both walk duck footed because of tight piriformis muscles (butt cheeks).
Thankfully, it’s all over for us now. We live in Hawaii and have left them waaaay behind. Our hips are happy because of our daily practices of letting go of control in our bodies and minds. We are so fortunate to hike, swim and salsa with free hips.
Letting go has allowed new dreams to blossom. We even laugh and joke about the things Ricardo’s family said and did to us.
Control freaks can put a damper on a happy life if you let them. Here’s what we learned from the experience:
- To let go of control by releasing our tight butt cheeks, daily
- Do what we love despite what others are doing around us
- Don’t allow anyone to steal our joy
- Be thankful for the freedom we have in our bodies and life
- Family doesn’t always mean love
Here’s your gift:
An Ageless Body Note from Your Hips
Dear Hip & Cool Friend,
I’m your hips and I’m here for you to enjoy a life of free, fluid movement. I love swaying to the music, dancing a good salsa and hiking a mountain trail. I adore walking along the beach, swimming in clean water and sitting in a squat or on the floor.
When you get uptight and want someone or something outside of yourself to be different I clench your butt cheek. That jams your lesser trochanter (leg bone) into your hip socket. That’s my way of saying stop controlling them! If you don’t listen, I’ll take away your sway and give you a limp. Still wish they were different? I’ll push even harder until you are bone on bone and need hip replacement.
If you desire something about yourself to be different, I’ll clench your left butt cheek. Accept everything about your beautiful self to stay in the sway. When you don’t accept yourself fully, I can take away your smooth left hip moves. I love you just the way you are!
Accept everything and your hips will easily carry you into many adventures.
Swing me!
Your Hips (via Michelle Andrie)

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