There are 3-steps to healing anything in your life.
A health challenge, a relationship struggle, an emotional breakdown or a spiritual crisis.
No matter what the issue, the answer always lies in taking these 3- simple steps to healing.
Healing Step #1 – Awareness
What is your challenge?
This first step requires you to be 100% real. To tell the truth and say something’s not quite right. To be vulnerable and open to something needing your attention. Something whispering, talking to you, shouting at you to pay attention to it!
Most people don’t have that courage. Most people wait until that which is wanting some attention gets extreme. Then, they may go try to figure out what is off balance.
Most of us will go to the doctor, psychologist, minister, chiropractor or yoga therapist when the symptoms of something get bad enough.
The time before we seek help — we are in denial
It is denial that keeps most of us living with low back pain, a neck ache, a rash or a throb in our tooth until that toothache becomes so severe that we dream of yanking out the tooth ourselves — then we are desperate to call the dentist and receive the diagnosis (awareness).
Now, once there is a diagnosis, there is an awareness of what is really going on and It is time for step #2 on the path to healing.
Healing Step #2 – Acceptance
Whatever the problem is … it is yours!
Even though you may have thought in the past that it was someone else’s fault. Or you wanted to blame someone or something else. It isn’t anyone else’s problem. Because it is in YOUR life — it is yours to work through the challenge.
You must:
Own it!
Fully embrace it!
Say, YES, to heal it!
When you have taken responsibility, you no longer blame others. You can no longer run away from the problem.
You know that you are responsible for your own change.
So, when you are told you have tooth decay, you have cancer, you have a personality disorder or your partner is a narcissist. No matter how scary or how much you don’t want to have the diagnosis you’ve received … You have to accept it.
OR you can’t move on to step #3.
Healing Step #3 – Action
Taking action is easy.
Once we know what’s going on and we embrace it — it is simple for us to research our options.
One of the difficulties is that in our society we don’t look at ourselves as a whole body. We have been taught to see ourselves only as parts. We take our physical body to the physician, our mental body to the psychologist or psychiatrist and our spiritual selves to a minister.
Look & Embrace
We have to look at ourselves as a whole being and embrace the true nature of the issue.
We only have something out of balance in our system that causes challenges because something is blocking the flow of our true nature which is health and wellbeing.
That something is in our subconscious and we can remove it by making it conscious!
Once we realize the root cause of our own subconscious blockage we can weigh each option to heal what is truly blocking us.
For example, if you have low back pain
The subconscious blockage may be wanting to be in control.
As you dive deeper into what you want to be different (my definition of control) — you may find that the way you avoided facing the truth and temporarily felt powerful was to control others or yourself.
Once you know this, you know that you have to release your piriformis muscle (the muscle that grabs when you want to control something or somebody) deep in your butt cheeks.
As the piriformis releases, you’ll let go of control, your butt cheeks will soften taking pressure off your low back AND your low back will become pain-free.
Another example
If heart disease runs in your family. The subconscious blockage that runs in your DNA could be causing you to block love from your life because you don’t trust others.
One way to heal this mistrust is to forgive those who’ve hurt you in the name of love and ask those that you’ve hurt for forgiveness.
You can then go forward to do practices that open your heart, repair your heart valve, put in a stint or whatever actions are necessary — holding the light of forgiveness.
Keep going forward by doing movement practices to keep your heart open and trusting those that accept you fully for who you really are (true love). Then your heart can heal!
Everyone needs help to heal
We must find doctors, therapists, spiritual guides — experts in the area we want to heal, to be led down the path of discovering our subconscious blocks and flowing in awareness, acceptance and action.
Is something challenging you right now?
Don’t deny it. Find a guide. Tell the truth. Embrace the challenge and take the needed action.
You have the power to heal yourself!
Doesn’t that feel powerful?
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