You are super powerful!
What do you care about so deeply that you will perform superhuman feats to get results? Which part of your life do you live so fully that people say, There’s no stopping you?
Find your super human strength with this week’s Ageless Movement Practice. You’ll be surprised by your core strength that can power through any challenge.
All because of Cher
My daughter, Hannah wanted to go to a Cher concert when she was twelve years old. I bought her surprise tickets for her birthday. She was so happy she jumped up and down for about 5 minutes belting out “If I Could Turn Back Time”,at the top of her lungs.
Soon we found ourselves on the lawn of the amphitheatre in Dallas, Texas surrounded by men dressed up as Cher. As the evening turned to night and Cindy Lauper gave the stage over to Cher. The men who surrounded us went bonkers. They were jumping up and down shouting and singing to her songs. Very similar to Hannah’s reaction to her birthday tickets.
One of these men, a big burly guy got so enthusiastic in his Cher joy that he launched himself from behind us and landed right on top of Hannah. I literally, couldn’t see my daughter laying underneath this huge guy.
Blue super power suit
That’s when it happened. I rose up off the ground in a flash, ripped off my dress revealing my deep blue, shiny Super Michelle suit. (Oh, maybe that part’s not true). Bent over and picked up this 250 lb ish man by the back of his clothes and threw him up in the air.
Really, he went airborne. As he traveled through the air I yelled at the top of my lungs, “YOU stupid Mother F’er. You’ve hurt my daughter so now I’m going to hurt you!”
I grabbed my daughter off the ground and quickly examined her. She was unharmed. Thank goodness. Once I knew Hannah was okay I became aware of the male Chers around me clapping. I looked at the man I’d thrown a few feet from us and I couldn’t believe I’d tossed him.
Where did I get that strength?
You’ve heard those stories of super human strength and impossible feats. I’m telling you they are true. You have it in you as well.
Get up. Care so much about yourself that you will throw off that heavy thought of its too hard, the belief that you can’t do it and MOVE! Move your body consciously every day to come back to calm and strength as Michelle Obama did in her book, Becoming.
Love yourself so much that you’ll find your super human strength. You’ll kick everything else airborne until you have done your self-care movement practice.
You’ll be clapping and patting yourself on the back in no time.

A gift for you:
An Ageless Body Note From Your Strong Belly
Hey Firecracker,
I’m your belly here to tell you how powerful you are. No matter what’s going on in your life, you can use your strength to overcome anything. I’m here to light your fire to a strong roar to get you over big challenges in your life. Or I can keep your fire burning at a constant level to get you through your daily life with plenty of energy.
Believe in your power. Focus it on what you love and I’ll reward you with a good appetite, smooth moves, plenty of energy and calmness.
When you hold back from being your powerful self, your fire will burn out. I’ll give you tummy aches, constipation or diarrhea. Or even belly fat, low energy and frustration. That’s just me saying come on… remember your power. If you don’t listen I may need to take my messaging to a new level. Don’t go there — kidney, liver, stomach, spleen, gallbladder, intestine challenges are no fun!
Be your powerful self. Light your fire and have a blast!
Your Belly (Via Michelle Andrie)
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