Feeling the need for some alone time?
Do you feel the stress yet? The parties, the gifts to buy, wrap and deliver. The baking and cooking. OMG, the eating. Over indulging in food you wouldn’t dare touch the rest of the year. The time with those family members, you know the ones. It can all take a toll.
I know, I used to get all caught up in the holiday flurry and ended up exhausted by New Years. My lower back forced me to say “STOP! I’ve had enough!” It hurt constantly when I did the holidays like a scene from The Fast and The Furious. Why? I wasn’t focusing on me.
I decided to stop that insane behavior! I now spend the holidays dedicating more time to my own personal practices no matter what’s going on.
You can do it differently too! Starting right now.
Make me time
Visualize getting up early in the morning, before anyone else rises. In the quiet of sunrise, before your day starts, drink a full glass of water. Read a moving poem or piece of writing. Roll out your mat, gather your noodle ball and do this week’s Stress Free Ageless Movement Practice,
Do this before you look at your phone, think about your to do list, complete any task or talk to anyone. You’ll start your day fresh with these few moments to yourself. Without any other voice in your head you can really hear what’s going on inside of you and address those things that are needing your attention.
Notice how you feel throughout the day. Observe how you handle the holiday chaos and watch how people react to you.
I guarantee you, if you start each day focusing on you, you’ll be the best gift you’ve ever opened. Which is awesome enough but you’ll also be the best gift you’ve given anyone else.
You’ll feel peace and serenity. Your worries will melt away and you’ll know that whatever you have done is enough. When you show up every where with a sense of I am enough. You give the gift of contentment by sending out the energy vibration of happy love.
Crabby people
We all know cranky people that walk around spreading their misery. I walk by one on my daily morning walk. He walks his super cute dog, Duke, at the same time I walk my dog, Lola. I say “Hi” to Duke and his owner daily. The man has only grunted at me. And yelled to his dog, “Hurry up, Duke.”
Over Thanksgiving weekend, feeling extra gracious, I made it a point to say, “Happy Thanksgiving,” to Duke and his owner. The man answered me with a sour look and pulling hard on Duke’s leash as he stamped away as if angry with what I’d said.
I have compassion for this man. He seems unhappy and is spreading misery to all he meets.
When you put yourself first and do the practices they open you to connect with your world through love. You’ll go each day and spread sweetness like jelly on toast. The world will respond back to you with kindness and gifts of love.

Here’s your gift from me.
An Ageless Body Note From Your Soul
Dearest Amazing Gift,
I’m your soul. I love you so much. I can see past all the little trivial “things” that stress you out. Don’t get so caught up in distractions. And REALLY that’s all they are. Distractions from your truth.
Focus on taking care of you. Take care of your body, the container of me, your soul. Your mind, the translator of all that comes your way and me, your soul, who’s job it is to guide and move you through life.
A gift
When you put yourself first your body will become healthy, your mind calm, and your soul full. You’ll be a gift to yourself and enjoy your own company. As an added bonus, you’ll share your contentment as a gift to everyone around you.
I’m guiding you right now to do it. Get up early in the morning and do your whole body practice. You’ll rock your world and positively glow with health. You’ll be able to focus on what’s really important and flow through life.
You are the best gift ever!
Your soul (via Michelle Andrie)
P.S. Check out the Ageless Movement Practices to get the best gift ever. YOU!
P.S.S. Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page. to hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners and watch on Friday mornings at 8 am Hawaii time, 1 pm EST, noon CST and 10 am PST for Facebook Live Free Flow Fridays. I’ll introduce the new practice and offer tips, tools and in-depth energy body pointers. In addition, I’ll answer any body/mind/spirit challenges that are coming up for you in the past practices or in your life.
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