Have you ever wanted to speak up but stopped yourself?
Have you said things that weren’t true for you? When asked, “How are you?” You think, I feel like shit. I’m anxious all the time and I think I need some serious therapy. But you don’t say it. You say, “I’m fine, and you?” They answer back, “I’m good.” End of conversation.
Good? Fine? What does that mean? Those conversations don’t feel like connection.
What happened to connecting in a real way? The cultural message of, If you don’t have anything good to say, say nothing at all has our mouths taped shut with duck tape that has I’m fine written across it in black sharpie. Wait a minute, who’s to say what’s good or bad?
This world needs to hear your voice. It’s the only way to form deep connections and find your tribe. You have a message to share, don’t be afraid to put it out there. Get the power to speak up with this week’s Ageless Movement Practice.
Allow me to speak my truth for a moment…
I spent the majority of my life looking like I knew what I was doing, where I was going and who I was going there with. Being very verbal I spoke at length about what I thought I knew.
Then something happened. Really, someone happened. A friend of mine noticed me. Saw me, the real me, and told me what he saw.
The vibration of truth
He said, in a nutshell, I was taking care of everybody and everything but myself. What? His words penetrated deep inside of me and rang that truth bell.
That conversation changed everything for me. I began to notice that almost everything I did was in care of others. Each day started by making lists of what every thing around me needed. Starting with my dogs, my partner, the house, the garden. I went to work. Often hard, physical work.
Where was I?
My morning yoga practice was a commitment of mine but I wasn’t connecting to myself. I was thinking of a student that needed a class for her lower back and worked on my body thinking of her, him or anyone but me.
I became so confused. Who was I without taking care of every thing around me? Being a care taker was what I knew. It was how I kept myself distracted from truly getting to know me. Why didn’t I want to get to know me? Because I didn’t feel good enough. Oh dang, now I’ve said it.
You won’t like me if I don’t take care of you and provide you with what you need. If you’re not there, then I’m alone, I’ll be lonely because I’m nothing.
Wow, What a load of crap
I spent a solid year deconstructing my life. Walking around saying, “I don’t know what I’m doing, where I’m going or who I’m going there with.”
My mornings started with my practice. No list making, straight to my practice. I moved to connect to my core, the truth that lay at the center of me. Over the year I slowly got to know me.
My focus went to myself first and I did things I’d always wanted to do. Like learn about real estate investing, stock trading and online business school. Life opened up for me and became a real adventure. A journey to get to know me.
The weirdest thing began to happen
This is going to sound super corny but I fell in love with myself. I never knew what that meant until now. It means spending time with just me. Moving me in the way my body wants to move. Feeling me breathe, move, think, go silent. Connecting deeply to my core truth so I can really connect with you. Be present for you.
Start with this week’s Ageless Movement Practice on Speaking Your Truth and you’ll be connecting deeply to yourself and others too.

Here’s my gift to you:
An Ageless Body Note From Your Neck
Hello Love,
I’m happy to be speaking to you today. You’re so magical. I’m in constant wonder of you. I need you to connect with yourself and share your inner most being with others. Vibrate out your truth. Tell everyone who you are and how you see things.
Neck Pain
When you don’t speak up I give you sore throats, neck pain, thyroid problems or cervical spine issues to get your attention.
When you feel pain in your neck, pause, consider where in your life you need to speak your truth and say it. Share your unique truth with the world. Your neck problems will ease up.
Let’s talk more about it!
Your Neck (Via Michelle Andrie)
P.S. – Open your throat to speak up. Check out the Ageless Movement Practices to vibrate your truth in less than 40 minutes.
P.S.S. – Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page to hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners and join us on Friday mornings at 8 am Hawaii time, 1 pm EST, noon CST and 10 am PST for Facebook Live Free Flow Fridays. I’ll introduce the new practice and offer tips, tools and in-depth energy body pointers. In addition, I’ll answer any body/mind/spirit challenges that are coming up for you in the past practices or in your life.
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