I had sleepless years.
Hey Sleepy Head,
Sleepless nights are the worst. That sick panicky feeling that jars you awake and keeps you up. The tossing and turning. Looking at the clock over and over again.
And if that’s not bad enough, you end up wanting to nod off while driving to work or sitting at your desk.
No thank you. Do everything you can to sleep well. This week’s ageless movement practice is all about getting some deep sleep. And waking refreshed. Ready to tackle your day.
Sleepless years
I know many of you can relate to being a new parent who’s awake at all hours. The fatigue is wearing. New parent’s go around asking, “Is your baby sleeping through the night yet?” Which is code for, Are you sleeping through the night yet.
Imagine, not sleeping through the night for nine years. My baby didn’t sleep through the night until she was nine-years old. Waking me a couple times a night, every night.
I was a wreck during those years. Night became a torture for me. My mind knew it was going to be jarred awake. So, it stayed alert and waited for little footsteps coming down the hallway toward my bedroom.
Because I didn’t sleep at night. My mind shut down during the day. There was a buzzing sound in my head. It was hard for me to keep my eyes open. My body was heavy.
Sleep well practice
The only way I made it through was my movement practice. I did a variation of the sleep well practice I’m giving you this week. I’d do it first thing in the morning. It took away the brain fog and the heaviness in my body for a couple hours.
I’d do it again at the end of the day to refresh me enough to get through to my daughter’s bedtime. Right before I went to bed, I’d do a half-shoulder stand with my legs up the wall and I’d often fall asleep in that position.
My tingly legs would wake me and I’d crawl my way to the bed. Where I’d often go into my mind wrestling match.
Sleep trick
Desperate for continuous sleep, a therapist taught me the fighter pilot sleep trick. I give it to you at the end of this week’s practice.
Fighter pilots use it to go to sleep anywhere at anytime because they are often awake for long hours. And when they can grab some sleep it may be in a chair or on the hard ground.
It works for me. I can go to sleep anywhere now.
You’re not alone if your having sleep problems. And know you can to do the movements and the sleep trick to help you go to sleep and stay asleep. Try it by clicking here.

Here’s my gift to you:
Ageless Body Note On Sleep
Dear Weary One,
This is a note from your mind. Sleep is the place where I get to rest and renew. My cells need this precious time to regenerate. So, I can function at my best.
Your body suffers
When you worry your whole body suffers. I go on attaching myself to one thought after another that won’t let you go.
Put it all down or you’ll be a wreck. I’ll get foggy. You won’t feel good.
So, here’s some wisdom from me, your mind. Everything always works out. Maybe not the way you planned. But it works out. So forget about it and go to sleep. And if you’re going through a hard time it will pass. Trust me.
Your mind (via Michelle Andrie)
P.S. – From your whole body. Check out the Ageless Movement Practices to sleep better fast.
P.S.S. -Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page. To hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners and join us on Friday mornings at 8 am Hawaii time, 2 pm EST, 1 pm CST and 11 am PST for Facebook Live Free Flow Fridays. I’ll introduce the new practice and offer tips, tools and in depth energy body pointers. In addition, I’ll answer any body/mind/spirit challenges that are coming up for you in the past practices or in your life.
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