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Do you experience neck pain??
This little movement will help!!
Dear Vibrant One,
I’ve been waiting to talk to you.
I am the space in your body that holds your voice. Your truth. I am your neck. And I came here to speak and be heard. Forget keep a stiff upper lip, it’s better to be seen than heard, if you can’t say anything nice say nothing at all. What??? Don’t believe the outer world . It’s here to control you, to take your truth from you so you’ll obey. For what reason? To keep you less than so you don’t talk back as “they” steal your energy, your love, your soul. I’ve had enough. Speak up and say what you came here to say. Speak your truth. Shout it out!!
You vibrate through the right side of your neck as you speak to others. When you have neck pain on the right, it’s me trying to tell you that something you are saying isn’t true or you are holding back from speaking the truth to someone. I don’t want to cause you pain. I want you to speak your truth to others. To get the essence of your authentic self out in the world to do what you came here to do. Stop being small. Take the risk and tell them what you came here to say.
Your left side vibrates as you speak to yourself. When the left side of your neck is in pain or discomfort, I’m trying to stop you from speaking to yourself in the way that you do, a way that is hurting you. Stop talking down to yourself. YOU are magnificent. You need to remind yourself of the wonder of you in every moment. If someone or something doesn’t appreciate you for who you are, they are not your people, your tribe. As you speak in appreciation of yourself you will radiate out your magnificent wonder and you will attract your people from that radiance. Trust me.
I need you to speak the truth to yourself and others! NOW!!
What is your truth? It’s that vibration that feels really good to you. Just to you. Don’t consider anyone else. I know that’s hard for you. But if you speak your truth, everyone will be better off. Initially, they may feel hurt, abandoned or angry by your new choices but they will get used to your truth. Give yourself a chance. Live your truth and allow everyone around you to adjust to it!
I feel the vibration changing already. Open your mouth. Hum, sing, speak what is stuck in there.
Haaaaaa!! You are a magnificent wonder. I sure want to hang out with you!
I love you,
Your Neck
Children should be seen and not heard. This statement has created so much neck pain. Children should be seen, heard and rejoiced in. Getting the message that our spontaneous reaction to life was not okay, shut so many of us down and caused neck pain and problems.
When I met Brian the first thing I noticed was his right jaw was overdeveloped and strong compared to his left. The right side of his neck was shortened and drawn in. He felt constant pain in the right jaw and neck. I knew immediately that he hadn’t been celebrated as a child.
As we worked together, his story emerged. His parents were only sixteen when they had him. His father abandoned him from the beginning. His mother was an immature parent and relied on her mother to raise Brian. Naturally, his childlike thoughts told Brian that it was his fault his parents didn’t want to be around him. If only he could be good enough. If only he could say and do the right thing.
Brian create his intimate relationship with his girlfriend from those inner thoughts. She wanted him to be better than he was. He was trying but continuously failing. AND finally, he knew that he needed to break up with her and get to the bottom of what he’d experienced in childhood.
As Brian gave himself the gift of being alone with himself, he listened to that voice inside that was constantly telling him he was a failure, no one would ever really love him. He needed to stay with his current girlfriend because there would be no one else out there for him. Chattering on and on and on, Brian began to tell it to SHUT UP! He chanted shut up over and over again until there was a gap in the voice. In the pause, Brian told the voice in his head that he was an AMAZING person that would be loved by many. “I’m amazing, I’m amazing”, Brian chanted, and his posture straightened. Holding his head higher and higher, Brian began to make his way out in the world strengthening his new inner being and people who accept Brian just as he is began to flow into his life.

One of the practices I gave Brian to ease out neck pain was to sit in an simple crossed legged pose.
Take back you voice by taking your right arm and hand straight out in front of you around to the right side and back behind you, palm facing out. If you can, walk the hand up between your shoulder blades.
Take your left hand and draw the right shoulder blade down and back. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth saying, “haaaaa” as you exhale. Opening your jaw wide to let out all the energy of holding back and trying to be good for others.
Now, take your left hand on your right ear. Pull your left ear to your left shoulder. Breathe and hold. Slowly, begin to walk your left hand to the back of your head shaking your head “no” as you go. When you get to the back of the head allow your eyes to look into your left armpit. Hold and breathe, making little free movements with your head.
Release when ready and allow your head to float back to center. Rest a moment and switch sides.
Take your left arm and hand straight out in front of you. Bring the left arm out, around and back behind you, palm facing out. If you can, walk the hand up between your shoulder blades.
Take your right hand and draw the left shoulder blade down and back. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth saying, “haaaaa” as you exhale. Opening your jaw wide to let out all the energy of your inner voice chanting anything but you are AMAZING!
Now, take your right hand on your right ear. Pull your right ear to your right shoulder. Breathe and hold. Slowly, begin to walk your right hand to the back of your head shaking your head “no” as you go. When you get to the back of the head allow your eyes to look into your right armpit. Hold and breathe, making little free movements with your head.
Release when ready and as you allow your head to come back to center. Breathe and feel. Know that you are good enough just as you are. You came here to speak your truth. Shout it out!! YES!!!
rivers fall from my mouth
tears my eyes can’t carry
rupi kaur
If you know someone who’s experiencing pain in their neck and wants to release it, pass on this neck releasing blog post with them. They can check it out and then sign up for Ageless Body Notes delivered to their inbox every Saturday. Here’s to speaking your truth!!
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