Your feet are trying to get your attention
Painful, tense and tired feet are soooooo annoying. Foot pain takes away from the joy of walking, leaping, skipping, jumping and running. There are plenty of people limping along in life. Your feet are the foundation of your body. If your foot is in pain, the structure of your foot is out of alignment. When that happens it knocks the rest of your body off kilter.
You don’t have to hobble along. You can have feel good feet and realign your foundation with his week’s Ageless Movement Practice. With this practice you’ll move to open your feet and release pain and tension. You’ll also create the proper standing posture for your feet and body. You will feel so goodyou’ll break out in a happy dance.
Your feet are telling a story
Your foot pain is there to get your attention. To what? According to the ancient energy system called the chakras the feet hold the energy of the people that walked before you, your ancestors!
The feet contain the energy you inherited through your DNA. Science says you inherit diseases through DNA. Now, science is saying your ancestors memories are impacting your life today. A team led by Barcelona’s Centre for Genomic Regulation and the Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute wrote in the Journal Science that we inherit our ancestors memoriesand not just recent memories but up to fourteen generations back.
Wow, that’s pretty wild right??
Your feet hold the energetic map of your entire body. You can download a reflexology chart, an energy map of your feet, here.Your ancestors talk to you by giving you foot pain in specific areas. These spots align with places in your body. For example, if you have big toe pain, the ancestors are trying to get you to open your neck and throat to tell your truth.
I know even with the ancient energy map of the body, the reflexology chart and the scientists this can all be a bit woo woo. Things need to make sense to me. I only accept this as truth because I had a direct experience of my ancestors talking to me through my feet.
Put your feet up and read
It all started about ten Halloweens ago — I dressed up with a group of friends to go to a Halloween dance party. As part of my costume I wore high heels. Half way through the night my right big toe knuckle was throbbing in pain. I kicked off the shoes thinking they were the problem and continued to dance the night away.
The next morning my right big toe knuckle was super sore. I couldn’t wear closed toed shoes so I wore sandals and limped around for a few days trying to ignore the pain.
Wearing my sandals and my limp, I went to bring dinner to an employee that had broken her leg. After a short visit I left her apartment in the dark. Hobbling as fast as I could to my car because it was a cold night. I tripped over a short curb with my right foot. The pain was immediate and excruciating. I fell into my car crying. My right big toe knuckle was on fire.
A break
I lay for a moment breathing deeply waiting for the pain to subside. It didn’t so I turned on the light in my car and looked down at my right big toe. What a mess! There was blood everywhere. The top of my big toe was split open and my toe nail had ripped off. None of that hurt because my big toe knuckle was pulsating with pain.
I knew from the amount of pain it was a break. Dang. I also knew I needed to pay attention to my father’s ancestors because it was my right foot. According to the chakras the right foot holds the ancestral energy of the father and the left foot contains the ancestral energy of the mother. I researched the energy maps of the foot and the big toe knuckle represented the heart. My father’s ancestors were talking to me about love.
Heart disease
My father’s mom, dad and only brother died of heart disease. Dad currently struggles with high blood pressure. And everyone of my dad’s ancestors that I knew struggled with love issues. My grandparents divorced in the sixties and my uncle had three wives. Dad was the caretaker of my bi-polar mother whom he said he stayed with out of obligation. They were miserable together right up to my mom’s death a few years ago.
Relationships are difficult for me too. I’ve married a couple of times and struggled with staying in relationships. I looked at the pain throbbing in my big toe like I’d been handed the baton in a relay race. It was my turn to run my family’s race against heart disease and love challenges.
I took up the challenge by paying attention and communicating my needs with my current love. He didn’t respond so I eventually gave up and broke up with him. After the break up, he said he was depressed and was working to overcome it. Meanwhile, I dated someone else. That didn’t work out.
All these changes took a few years but to me the learning was rapid. It was becoming clear that I needed to love myself. I couldn’t find what I was looking for or what my ancestors wanted — outside of me.
I focused more and more on me first and began each day intentionally loving myself by doing my movement practice before I did anything else. In my practice I rolled a golf ball at the bottom of my right foot. My foot pain lessened which was such a miracle and a huge relief.
Then — magic happened. My massage therapist taught me a technique to use on my big toe knuckle. I added that to my daily movement practice and the pain went away! I mean GONE.
I’m relieved to report — In addition to no foot pain, I have NO signs of heart disease. Yes!! All because I’m loving me first. I’m happily loving with my arms wide open. Allowing loves to come and go. Holding on to no one frees me to love everyone.
Happy, happy dance!!

My gift to you an Ageless Body Note From Your Ancestors
My Dearest,
We’re your ancestors and we are so happy you belong to our tribe. We’re a loving bunch and want you to know how much we love you. Your challenges are well known among us as we did our best to overcome them.
You’re doing a great job! Better than most and we’re here to cheer you on. Every time you feel light on your feet, that’s us gifting you for going the right direction and making the correct choices to release our challenges.
We give you pain in your feet when you’ve gone the wrong direction. We know that seems cruel at times but it gets your attention and slows you down to consider where you’re going and gives you time to make a new choice. We’ll let up on the pain as you get back on track.
Let go
We don’t want to carry these DNA vibrations of disease and disorder any longer. We’re counting on you to clear them. Keep going. You’re close to letting go of a crucial bit of DNA memory pain.
The party we have planned when you’ve let go….The whole Universe will be doing the macarena!!
Love you!!
Your Ancestors via Michelle Andrie
P.S. Check out the Ageless Movement Practices to open your feet.
P.S.S. Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page. to hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners and watch on Friday mornings at 8 am Hawaii time, 1 pm EST, noon CST and 10 am PST for Facebook Live Free Flow Fridays. I’ll introduce the new practice and offer tips, tools and in-depth energy body pointers. In addition, I’ll answer any body/mind/spirit challenges that are coming up for you in the past practices or in your life.
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