It takes courage to crawl your way out of your hidey hole of powerlessness. Some of you are comfortable living there. Keeping yourself small.
Until something pushes you. Perhaps — it’s more painful to stay small than take the risk to grow. Your body aches. You feel depressed or anxious. You’ve watched someone around you grow and you want that for yourself.
About a year ago Jen crawled out of her too small hidey hole. She found the courage to join the Ageless Movement Practices and do them on a regular basis. The practices gave Jen the tools to grow and change. She shares her experiences with us on the private Facebook page.
Jen chatted with me about her big breakthroughs from doing the Ageless Movement Practices (AMP) on a regular basis.
Here’s what Jen found
- I have the power to take care of myself and heal things on my own
- My breath is better — I breathe fully now
- I’m more confident
- I handle stress better
- I don’t take on too many things
- The Pain in my body is less
- When I get in pain I have tools to get out of pain
- I use my gifts and talents to move through whatever I need to handle in my life
- I’ve expanded in ways I never imagined like creating and growing a new business
- The practices get yummier as I go along
Love for the Ageless Wisdom Practices
Jen also shared her love for the Ageless Wisdom Practices the 10-15 minute mini-practices that shift you from heavy emotions to freedom. She uses them whenever she’s feeling something she wants to move through quickly. Like frustration when her aging dog was giving Jen and her husband a skin rash. Or when she wanted to move past fear as her dad was struggling in the hospital. Check them out for yourself.
I really enjoyed talking with Jen! Watch our video chat below. You’re going to love what this woman has to say!
Jen, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your growth with us. You are a beautiful example of what happens when you have the courage to crawl out of your hole and show up for yourself every day.
I told you this woman was a powerhouse!! Stop playing small as Jen did. You can feel powerful — Get on your mat and do this move!

Power up pose
Power Up Movement Sheet
Sit with your knees bent about two feet from your bottom. Place your hands under your knees. Sit back with your tail long, ribs in and down and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Find your breath and breathe deeply into your belly, up to your heart and from your heart down deep into your belly.
On an exhale begin to walk your heels toward your bottom when your feet lift off the floor, hold and breathe. When ready if you can bring your legs into a ninety-degree angle and hold and breathe. Those of you who want to go deeper can attempt to straighten your legs and arms. Don’t use your lower back, shoulders, neck or quads in boat pose. Keep belly breathing using the strength and power of your belly to rock you in this pose.
Creates a strong powerful belly so you can be your strong powerful self!
Share your power with us in the comments below.
XO, Michelle
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