Body joy!
As I contemplate the word enjoy — one of my favorite words in Sanskrit (an old Indo-European language in which the sacred texts of yoga philosophy are written) comes to mind. That Sanskrit word is Lila. When translated from Sanskrit to English Lila means “Divine play.”
In my own translation, Lila means to connect to Source and allow the energy of Lifeforce to play with me. As if my body is a playground for the Divine to swing, twirl, twist, bend, extend, reach, open, and close.
Open to the Universe
Start opening by going to your mat and lie down over balls or the noodle ball. Roll on the balls to break up held tension and tightness so your body can open and connect to the energy of the Universe flowing in and out of your body.
Breathe and move with Spirit
Once your body opens, ride the waves of your breath. Breathe and move into simple stretches, extend through your feet, stretch your arms overhead, roll over, take a twist, and feel the heat and warmth of Spirit moving you.
Allow Spirit to roll you to sitting and rock in your seated positions to further release body blocks and play with the energy of God.
Move your body to all fours. Once there begin to roll your hips, shake your head and neck, and flow in and out of poses. Feel your body like the structure holding a swing. Trusting, let go and allow Soul to flow up and rest back.
Swing up and allow Soul to take you to your feet to stand. Here, begin to dance with the divine. Allowing your body to freely move in whatever way she wants to move. Arms reach up, Feet step apart. turn, twist, spin, sway, shake your booty, and feel the freedom.
Walk in nature
Walk in nature every day and enjoy the Universes creations. Observe the trees, grass, plants, water, soil, all around your and know that you are a part of that wonderous out-burst of joy!
Play with others
Get a dance partner and dance. Even if it is with your pet. Lola, my dog, and I love to prance, strut, shimmy, and shake together. With music or without. We often grab hold of Ricardo, my partner, and have a group dance that always involves lots of laughter and barking.
As you grow tired from playing, allow Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad whatever you call your God at the moment to slowly set you back to all fours and finally to the floor. Rest, cradled in the energy of the Divine.
Remember life is one big frolic in the energy stream of the Universe. All you have to do to play with the life-force is open and allow yourself to be moved. Life then becomes more joyful.
Enjoy your life with this week’s Open to Enjoy your Body Ageless Movement Practice.
What do you do to enjoy your body? Let us know in the comments section below!

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