Turn Off Your Love Soap Opera To Stop The Pain In Your Shoulders And Upper Back.
You can have a healthy, happy love relationship. When you do your shoulders and upper back will feel great … So, turn off the love drama to free the pain.
Imagine, It’s 1985, a young girl just moved to Texas from Northern Minnesota. She meets a rebel rock and roll dude at work. He turns out to be the only child of parents who live like a real life episode of the TV show Dallas. No kidding, the mansion, cowboy hats, long horn cattle and all.
That’s how I began my soap opera that I call the Shadow Of Love. I’ll give you all the gory details in a bit. But first let’s dive deeper into what’s causing your love drama. And as a result, your painful shoulders and upper back.
Pain in your shoulders and upper back reflects the thoughts and beliefs you have around love that aren’t love. When I tell you my story, you’ll understand that I had love and money mixed up in my real life love drama.
Open to your soap opera
So, to get out of shoulder and upper back pain. Release the love drama. You first do a shoulder and upper back movement practice. Subscribe here to get the one I created for you.
The movement practice will open you. As you open, consider your Shadow Of Love soap opera. It’s running in the background of your life and relationships.
What dramas are you hooked into around love? How do you find the theme of your Shadow Of Love?
Well, you could ask a good friend or your sister. They’ll tell you. Or take a moment and write down all the things that don’t work for you in your most intimate relationships. Use the current one and go back a few to find the themes. Notice, what keeps coming up.
If it’s:
- Security
- Stability
- Money
- Sex
- Abuse
- Addictions
- Secrets
- Fear
- Anger
- Control
- Depression
- Guilt
- Shame
- Sorrow
- Holding
- Forcing
Well, you’ve got the lower human energies mixed up with love, an upper spiritual energy. Human feelings and characteristics are in the known. The above list is all human and the energy is heavy. It sounds like grrrrrrr.
Spiritual feelings and characteristics are in the unknown. Love is spiritual. The space of love is in the heart. The upper back, shoulders, chest, hands, arms, and the energy is light. It sounds like ahhhhhhh
So, get the heavy human energy, grrrrrr, out of your heart and voila–you are free to love. Ahhhhh!
How? Well, embrace the awareness. Say to yourself, I’ve got _______(fill in the blank) mixed up with love. Do this for a week while you do your upper back and shoulder opening practice.
As you accept the Shadow Of Love soap opera drama you’ve been playing out. You’ll accept the way you’ve been non-loving. It will allow you to accept that you’ve been putting that non-love on others.
Maybe, you need to apologize? A little, I’m sorry, I realized I had _______(fill in the blank) and love mixed up. That’s it, you don’t need to elaborate.
Notice what changes for you. I guarantee you’ll lighten up and feel more freedom.
As promised, back to my soap opera, The Shadow Of Love
I met this cute guy, named Bridges, at work when I was living in Dallas, Texas, in the 1980’s. He asked me out and we started dating. He drove a Datsun 280Z. Lived in a little apartment filled with guitars and amplifiers. I formed an image of him as young rock and roll star wanna be.
About a month into our dating relationship, he invited me to his family’s ranch in Glen Rose, Texas. We drove the Z down to the ranch. Zipped past a pasture filled with long horn cattle. Bumped through a cattle guard gate with a large metal sign that read, Welcome to the M & W.
I walked into a real life episode of the TV show Dallas
My head spun as we drove right up to a mansion. A bonafide, right out of the TV show Dallas mansion. The only difference was instead of a white painted mansion with big pillars. This was a huge stone house covered in ivy situated right on the Brazos River.
We walked passed the massive pillars. I gazed up at the enormous Spanish porch lights hanging off the high ceiling. Bridges grabbed my hand as we walked through the heavy wooden door.
The entry was bigger than the living room of the house I grew up in. I looked down at the cow hide I was standing on. Glanced over to the rack of cowboy hats displayed on an oversized antique bench/coat rack.
My mouth gaped open as Bridges pulled me into the living room. There hung the largest painting I’d ever seen. It was of a horse in full gallop. Below the painting sat a coifed woman covered in turquoise jewelry. Next to her stood a man wearing a button up plaid shirt with a long horn shaped bolo cinching his collar.
They said, “Howdy”, in unison. I’d met my future in laws.
I wasn’t aware at the time that I thought… if I was a part of that family.
- I’d have no money problems
- I’d live a happy life.
Now, I get it
I now understand my flawed love belief. And of course, money doesn’t buy you love. But I had to live through my belief to understand it. Ouch, it was a tough lesson that I’m still paying for.
So, my Shadow Of Love soap opera has run many episodes to bring me here. I going to say good bye, now and apologize to my current partner for the money/love mix up. Yup, I’m still a work in progress.
For you…I’ve got a great Ageless Body Note From Your Shoulders And Upper Back. Read on.

Hello Love,
I’m your shoulders and upper back. I know that we’re hard for you to understand. That’s because we are in the back of your heart. So, we wanted to tell you about us.
Love isn’t an energy you can know. It’s in the unknown. You have to let love be free. Free to flow in whatever way it is showing up in your life.
If someone in your life is saying they love you right now, accept their love. As it is. Don’t try to change them. Look at your heart. Do you love them? Be honest. If you do, accept them as they are. That’s love. If you don’t let them go so they can experience being loved and accepted.
Not love
When you hang on to people for whatever reason and call it love. That’s not love. To get your attention, we give you upper back and shoulder pain. Listen to us. Accept the love that surrounds you. Just the way it is. Let go of whatever or whoever in your life doesn’t feel like love.
If you continue to hang on we give you shoulder and upper back injuries. Rotator cuff and kyphosis (hunch back) are a few of our favorites.
Still stubbornly hanging on? That’s when we attempt to grab your full attention. Heart disease and lung problems are our wake up NOW messages.
You are pure essence of love. They are pure essence of love. Open your hands and heart and allow love to flow freely from the backside of your heart to the front.
You are a love bug!
Your Shoulders and Upper Back (via Michelle Andrie)
P.S. – From your shoulders and upper back – Do this shoulder and Upper Back opening practice and let go of your love soap opera. You’ll feel better and your love life will start rockin’. Check out the Ageless Movement Practices to feel light and free in less than 40 minutes.
P.S.S. -Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page. To hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners and join in on Friday mornings at 8 am Hawaii time, 2 pm EST, 1 pm CST and 11 am PST for Facebook Live Free Flow Fridays. I’ll introduce the new practice and offer tips, tools and in depth energy body pointers. In addition, I’ll answer any body/mind/spirit challenges that are coming up for you in the past practices or just in your life. Don’t worry if you miss it, it’ll be up for you to watch later.
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