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A Note From Your Eyes
Dear Beautiful Friend,
I see you! I am the window to your soul. You are an amazing temple of beauty that contains your pure and shiny inner knowings. When you see anything other than that you have a dirty soul window that needs to be cleaned.
You see the world through me and connect with your insight through me. This world is built of beauty. Sometimes so much beauty it makes you cry. This world is built of pain. Sometimes so much pain it makes you cry. The tears cleanse your soul. Feel the beauty and pain and have a good cry.
Come into balance between the pain and beauty, to notice both but not remain stuck in either. This world is in flow. What you see is meant to change you in every moment. When you get stuck in pain or beauty you begin to obsess and create the vision of the same thing over and over again. This is when I give you worry lines, headaches and vision issues. I’m just trying to tell you to clean your window.
Let’s get clear about one thing, you came here to see what is right in front of you. Don’t borrow trouble by watching what is not yours and getting caught up in other people’s business. Allow the outer flow, accept what you see. Don’t hang on to it. That’s dirt on your soul window.
When you aren’t clear about your inner world, who you really are and the purpose of your feelings and intuition this is a splatter of doubt on your window to your soul. You have such an amazing guidance system. See it and come back to using it. Allow your inner knowings and feelings to guide you through the pain, to enjoy the beauty. See through a clean window.
As you see clearly inside and out, I will take away your worry lines, restore your eyesight and reduce your headaches. These physical challenges were only meant to get you to stop and clean up your vision. To begin to dream your dream again. To appreciate all the pain and all the beauty that surrounds you.
I like what I see!
Your Eyes
Open Your Eyes To See You, A Story Of Release
Rhonda had deep worry lines between her eyes. She was raised in a Jewish household and as she said, “I was trained from birth to worry”. Her favorite people to worry about were her children. Especially her daughter. Whenever I asked Rhonda about her daughter her eyes would knit together and her worry lines grew deep. She didn’t trust that her daughter would be alright.
Because trust is an important part of love, Rhonda had to stop obsessing about her daughter and let her go to experience her own life in the way she needed to learn and grow. Rhonda began to consider that her daughter’s life was okay just as it is. Maybe, her worrying only hurt her daughter?
As Rhonda practiced letting go of her daughter, she would grab back on and then let her go. As she let go more and more and began to mind her own business, her worry lines relaxed. Rhonda began to see that this was her life’s challenge. She opened her eyes to see the challenge for what it was, her purpose. This clarity, allowed Rhonda to let go even more and the relationship with her daughter changed. Her daughter began to find solutions to her own issues and shared them with Rhonda. They began to do healing practices together and the experiences brought both of them to a place of joy.
Open Your Eyes With This Movement

Take three fingers from your right hand and pretend they are a rag that you’ve squirted some vinegar water onto. Bring your fingers to the space between your eyes, slowly and gently begin to wipe this space clean just like you’re cleaning a window.
The eyes are the windows to your soul. You are cleaning the glass so you can see your reality clearly.
I am so small I can barely be seen.
How can this great love be inside me?
Look at your eyes. They are small,
But they see enormous things.
P.S. ~ From your eyes… Join the Ageless Movement Practices to go deeper into an eye opening practice. Check out the private Ageless Movement Practice Facebook page. I’ll let you in to read all the amazing posts on how the practices are changing people’s lives.
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