Lies take away trust
We are all being lied to. It’s been documented that the current US Prez continuously tells lies. In fact, he’s lied to us over 15,000 times since taking office. That is mind-blowing to me.
So okay — he’s a liar. Most people go away from proven liars and have nothing to do with them once they’ve been lied to a couple of times.
Personally, The amount of frustration I feel when someone lies to me is overwhelmingly huge. Don’t lie to me. When I know the truth I can TRUST and respond to whatever situation is coming toward me — but if I’m lied to — I don’t know what to do, I’m stuck and overwhelmed.
Which brings me to my real question — Why do people believe these lies?
Researchers at The University of Western Australia — who noted several instances of misinformation, such as childhood vaccines cause autism, global warming is a hoax, or President Barack Obama was not born in the United States — say that rejecting information requires more cognitive effort than simply accepting that the message is true. It’s easier for a person to believe a simple lie, than to have one’s mind changed by information that is new and novel.
The word that stands out for me in the above text is “changed”.
The thing I know about change is that it takes courage to change
It’s seemingly easier to keep believing for example that climate change isn’t real. If I believe climate change isn’t scientifically proven then I’ll believe that everything is going to be alright.
Now, if climate change is real — then I’ve got to make some changes myself. This may mean I’ve got to give up some things I like or am addicted to. Making those changes may be uncomfortable. So, if I simply believe what keeps me from having to change I get to stay comfortable.
The human part of us is uncomfortable with change. It likes to hang on to what it knows even if it’s not true.
The good news — the spiritual part of us loves to change. Spirit lives in the unknown. It thrives there. To change we must move our energy up from the human realm and get comfortable spinning around in the unknown.
How do we get comfortable with the unknown?
Well, the journey starts at our navel. This space of our body is where spiritual energy and human energy co-exist. It is here that the human part of us has to let go and allow the twists and turns of spirit.
At the same time, it is here where the spirit inside of us must allow the grounding of human energy to hold us on this earth rather than spinning us off into the ethers.
It’s super simple to do this and can be done easily with a seated twist — Simply:
- Sit in a chair.
- Allow your feet to touch and line up with your knees.
- Squeeze your knees together.
- Grow your tail long and down into the earth.
- Keep your ribs snapped in and down.
- Roll your inner arms out and squeeze your shoulder blades together.
- Keep your head and neck loose and free.
- On an exhale, turn from your navel to the right.
- Turn your chest, head, and neck to the right.
- Look over your right shoulder
- Breathe and hold.
- Come back to the center when ready and turn to the left.
This very easy seated twist will get your human energy rooting down into the earth and at the same time your spiritual energy twisting up and off your body into the sky.
Connect to your human spiritual self feel your POWER — the fuel that moves you.
From this place of power, you can stand on solid ground and turn away from the tide of lies and courageously face the truth.
Once you full-on address the truth — you’ll know what to do or not to do. Your power will carry you forth to a place where you need to show up, to say what you need to say — to speak your truth and allow that truth to set you free.
Find the courage to close your ears to the lies and open up to your truth with this week’s Ageless Movement Practice. You’re going to love, love this powerful neck releasing practice.
Your Weekly Coronavirus Craziness Immune System Booster with Ageless Mover and Organizer Geek Michelle Gunn.
What lies are you courageously facing and addressing right now? Share in the comments section below!

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