Today I’m sharing a video chat that I had with Ageless Natasha Julicher. We had a great time talking and I know you will find how she found stress relief inspiring.
Natasha and I lived on the Eastside of the Big Island of Hawaii through all the intensity of 2018. We experienced a huge volcanic eruption that took out 700+ homes. Earthquakes shook us every day caused by underground boulders literally being pushed around under the earth’s crust by the hot lava. The biggest quake was 6.9 on the Richter scale. That quake still makes me dizzy when I think about it.

And if that wasn’t enough — a hurricane hit us and dumped 50 inches of rain in under 48 hours. If you’ve never been in rain like that let me tell you it’s super intense. The flooding prevents you from going anywhere and the sound of the rain is a roar. Forget about watching TV, listening to music, or talking to anyone!

All around us people were super stressed and traumatized. Several friends lost their homes in the lava flow or were not able to live in them. One of those was my good friend and student Natasha.
Here’s a picture of her house — It’s still standing but surrounded by lava. It’s called a kipuka in Hawaiian which means an island in the middle of a lava flow. There isn’t a road to her place yet so she can’t live there. Talk about stress and trauma.

Natasha’s little family was evacuated out of their house with very little warning. The lava was coming fast so they focused on getting themselves, their horses, and cats to safety.
All their clothes and possessions were left behind. Natasha, her husband Josh, and their 12-year-old daughter Elsa were virtually homeless and that continued for nine months. They stayed with various friends wherever they could find shelter.
Fortunately, relatives have helped them get into a temporary housing situation. They are waiting for a road to be built to get back home to their kipuka house.
Stress relief
Natasha did the Ageless Movement Practices to get her through this difficult time. While the lava was flowing she did the Ageless Movement Practices every day to help her de-stress. I give you her favorite practice with this week’s Ageless Movement Practice to release stress and toxins.
Natasha says, The Ageless Movement Practices kept her sane in an insane time.” When her body hurt from the grief and uncertainty she did the practices to get relief. Try them for yourself no matter what’s causing you tension.
Watch my chat with Natasha below. This powerful woman is resilient. She has gone through so much in the last year and she’s still rockin’ her life. Allow Natasha to give you hope to walk through whatever’s going on in your life without going down with stress.
Natasha’s favorite de-stress movement: Zen Pose

Come into cat pose by bringing your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders on all fours. Take your right arm up toward the ceiling on your inhale and thread it through the inside of your left arm on your exhale.
Set your right shoulder to the floor. Bring your ribs up and in. Rock your hips gently from side to side, feeling the tension in the upper spine. If this is your edge, stay here, and breathe.
If you feel like you can and want to go further, walk your left foot out, in line with your right hand. Extend through the left heel and draw a half circle overhead with your left arm. Attempt to get both shoulders to the floor. Hold your edge and breathe.
If your neck hurts, tuck your chin to your chest. Come out the same way you came in and take a child’s pose to rest before switching sides.
Thank you, Natasha, for hanging with me. I loved talking to you. You are such an inspiration.
Were you inspired by Natasha? Talk to us in the comments below!
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