It really works!
Manifest your dreams?? That sounds like some woo woo stuff — right?? I’m really a practical kinda girl. AND I friggin’ love when magical manifestation happens and I’m telling you — there are forces at work that we can not see.
No better time to talk about magical manifestation than Dia de Los Muertos!
I know, I know, woo woo — It would be to me too if I hadn’t experienced it myself. Experience erases my need to know how things work and why. It’s an experience that brings me to awe! So, I’m a believer in manifesting by rooting down and connecting to the ancestors because I’ve had real, practical experiences. Woo Hoo!!
Here’s what happened
I was visiting my friend, Melissa when she went into a full-on whirl and twirl. She had to lay down because it was like she’d just stepped off a ride at the carnival. As she lay curled on the couch spinning I asked her a question. “What was she doing when she began to spin?“
Melissa answered immediately. She’d been on the phone attempting to resolve a difficult employee situation. Talking to her manager about the challenging employee Melissa had felt frustration building in her belly and her head began to spin.
Melissa and I talked and came to the conclusion that her frustration caused her to push energy up and out of her head instead of down into her feet. Why did she push energy up? Because she didn’t want to face the frustrating challenge with that particular employee. She was trying to escape and that sent her into the spins.
Dizzy or lightheaded means you’ve left the ground
This is not the first time I’d seen someone go spinning off into the ethers. I’ve worked with several clients to help them with vertigo, dizziness or lightheadedness. I personally know how frustrating this can be because I too like to push my energy up and out of my body when things happen and I want to escape.
What’s up with that?
Human energy lies from the navel on down. It’s heavy energy that moves in straight lines and keeps you grounded here in the present moment.
Spiritual energy lies from the navel on up. It turns in circles and gets more and more twirly until it spins off the top of your head.
When you get the spins it is because you are pushing your energy up so hard and fast to escape something or someone. It can cause you to lose the ground under your feet and begin to spin with the energy of spirit.
As I explained this to Melissa, she agreed. She liked to flow her energy up. She loved to escape. Meditation is one of her favorite pastimes.
What can you do when you feel light-headed or dizzy?
Feel the earth beneath your feet. Keep pushing this energy down until the spins slow to a stop. Once you’ve come back to earth you can manifest and create a solution to whatever situation set you off spinning in circles.
The earth elements and honoring your ancestors are needed to create on this planet. Energetically your feet are as earthy as you can get in your body. If you try to stay up in the spiritual realms you won’t manifest anything. You’ll just keep riding the Ferris Wheel of life.
Since the chakras represent elements that become increasingly dense as they descend (from thought down to earth), I call this downward spiral the current of manifestation. When we take thoughts and turn them into visualization, then words, and finally into form we are engaged in the process of manifesting. Anodea Judith, Eastern Body Western Mind.
Back to my friend, Melissa
A few moments of pushing her energy down stopped Melissa’s spins. As she lay there feeling her tingling feet she got the download on how to manifest a solution to the challenge with her employee. Pretty awesome right??
Okay — here’s the really freaky part. As Melissa was actively visualizing the solution, Meg, the person Melissa saw herself connecting to — to set the situation straight — emailed her. Seriously, at the moment Melissa was visualizing Meg solving her problem, Meg reached out to Melissa. Full-on magic with both feet firmly grounded into the earth.
A bit of a back story here — Meg had called Melissa a couple of nights before to ask if her company had any openings. Melissa had been thinking and talking to her business partner about hiring Meg for a job opening that was coming up. So it was like Meg knew about the conversation when she called — which she didn’t. Woo woo!!
A few days later before Melissa actually offered Meg a position with her company, she had this dizzy experience. Melissa grounded down and visualized Meg as the solution for this new issue that had just transpired. As I shared earlier, Meg emailed Melissa right at the moment Melissa clearly saw Meg solving the employee problem. All sorts of woo woo!
To make a long story short
Everything worked out for all the people involved. The difficult employee got demoted back to her original position and she felt better because she was in over her head.
Meg accepted the job Melissa offered and is so happy to be in her new position. Melissa now believes even stronger in the power of manifestation! As I left Melissa’s house she’d added the practice of grounding down to honor her ancestors to manifest even more dreams. I can’t wait to hear what happens!
Do this week’s Ageless Movement Practice to ground down, honor your ancestors, and manifest whatever you desire. Try this grounding movement whether you’ve got the spins or not. It will help you manifest a solution to any challenge that is arising in your world.

Lying tree pose
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet to the floor. When ready straighten your left leg. Press your left foot into a tree, wall, or side of a chair or couch. Draw your right knee into your chest and take your hand on your right foot placing your right heel as deep as you can into your left inner groin. Drop your right knee toward the floor. (For some of you your right knee will rest on the floor. For others your right knee will be off the floor.)
Make sure you don’t over-arch your lower back by keeping your ribs coming in and down toward your pelvic bowl. Take your elbows even with your shoulders and exhale your arms and hands overhead without your elbows leaving the floor.
With each exhalation push energy down and into your feet and slide your arms further overhead. Pause to inhale and keep going.
When ready switch sides
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet to the floor. When ready straighten your right leg. Press your right foot into a tree, wall, or side of a chair or couch. Draw your left knee into your chest and take your hand on your left foot placing your left heel as deep as you can into your right inner groin. Drop your left knee toward the floor. (For some of you your left knee will rest on the floor. For others your left knee will be off the floor.)
With each exhalation push energy down and into your feet and slide your arms further overhead. Pause to inhale and keep going.
Release out of the pose and bring your knees into your chest when ready. Rock side to side on your sacrum to ease out any lower back pain.
Lie on the floor with both feet planting into the earth. Thank your ancestors for the walk you’ve stepped into on this earth.
What are you manifesting in your life and how are your ancestors supporting you?? Let me know in the comments below.
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