It don’t come easy — until you turn it upside down
It seems like I’d be experiencing joy. I mean something I just worked really, really long and hard to achieve was completed and put out into the world and the world responded with a huge, YES!!
And — I was feeling??? Overwhelmed for sure and at times optimistic but I would have thought I’d be feeling elated. When one of my best friends asked me how it felt to be where I am right now after toiling and sacrificing — I told him, “I believe I’m in shock.”
A day later another good friend asked me the same question and I was a little less numbed out and said, “I’m hopeful but maybe I don’t trust it yet.”
What is joy anyway??
I looked up the definition and Webster says,
noun\ ˈjȯi \
Definition of joy
1a: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires :DELIGHT b: the expression or exhibition of such emotion :GAIETY 2: a state of happiness or felicity :BLISS 3: a source or cause of delight
Ah haaaaa!!
I knew it, I was supposed to be experiencing joy. I’d just experienced success by possessing what one desires. So, where was the joy??
Was I feeling joy and didn’t recognize it? What was going on?? As usual I went into my body for the answer. I thought — I need to work on my head. It must be something in my brain that is stopping the joy.
Well, I did what I knew to do
I went up into a headstand — I know pretty extreme but I’ve been practicing headstand for sooooo many years. Except, during this time of intense work. I’d stopped flipping up into handstands and headstands. An occasional shoulder stand was about all I was doing.
I needed some fresh blood flowing up in that brain of mine. I held my headstand for a couple of minutes and when I came down. A glimmer of joy! Yup, the real deal — delight! I was super proud of myself. Grateful to my friends who supported my journey. Especially my AMAZING business partners, Molly and Luanne of Clean Food Dirty Girl.
That fresh blood flowing in my brain released the push, push, work, work hard habit I can fall into and allowed me to see. That I’d done it. I climbed the mountain. Now, I could soften a bit, relax a little and feel — joy!
You can refresh your mind
This week’s Ageless Movement Practice will help you get fresh blood flowing through your brain. The flow of new energy will clean out your mind’s cobwebs, release old habits of thinking, and get you to experience a higher emotion. Maybe even JOY!
Don’t worry you don’t have to do a full-on headstand. I’ll show you a super simple way to feel the ecstasy of standing on your head. If you can or I’ll guide through a safe, supported headstand.
From this place of joy, I want to share my accomplishment with you.
Here it is — Lighten Up! A food and movement program to step you away from fear and into love. Check it out and celebrate my accomplishment with me. YAY!!
Here’s a relaxing way to get new blood flowing to your brain.

Supported Shoulder Stand
Take a bolster, pillow or folded blanket to the wall. Bring your hips into the wall and your legs up the wall with your sacrum resting on the bolster. Your shoulders rest on the floor as your inner arms roll out with palms facing up.
Breathe in and out as you allow your shoulders to melt into the floor. Feel the back of your head resting into the floor and allow your mind to be bathed in a new energy.
Hold and breathe allowing your body to relax. Come out by bending your knees. Rest. Roll off your bolster and rest on your side. Slowly, bring yourself up to sitting. Feel your clarity of mind.
Let me know how you feel in the comments below!! I’d love to hear from you!!
Hugs, Michelle
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