Who are you? I mean who are you really at the core of yourself? You know when you let go of all that troubles you. All that you obsess about, all that you wish was different in the world — who are you? I have the answer! I’m super excited to tell you! You are pure JOY!
When you feel anything else from depression and fear all the way up to happiness you are not fully connected to your soul’s essential nature. If you want to feel JOY — you must free yourself of all that troubles you.
What troubles you?
I’m mean really what is that thing or those things that wake you in the middle of the night? What causes your heart to constrict? What do you obsessively think about? To make it easy — We’re going to call it all fear.
My fear —
I’m afraid my partner is going to die. He’s been diagnosed with a heart condition and right now there are so many unknowns. I can feel the heavyweight of fear pulling me down.
That fear is taking away my joy and I don’t want that! I want to let the fear go. I want to trust in the process my partner needs to go through and I want to be a beacon of joy for him and everyone else I encounter this holiday — heck this whole year.
So screw fear!
Fear is too heavy
Fear is like a heavy rock tied to your body which pulls you away from joy and down into the lower emotions. Let’s cut that rope of fear and release the heavyweight of it so you can float up to the higher emotions. All the way up to the surface of your truth. At the soul level, you are pure JOY.
I so want you to remember that you and I are pure JOY! I want us to have a JOYfilled party. Where we are free to laugh and carry on like we did when we were little kids.
Once you feel joy again — you’ll remember — remember who you really are! You’ll come back to feeling the freedom you had as a child. You’ll become curious again and begin to express from that spark of aliveness inside of you!
Let’s plan a joy-filled party!
Like with any party there’s gotta be a plan. So, here it is — the four steps to the best JOYful party ever!
- Do the Ageless Movement Practice this week that is all about stepping from fear toward JOY! You hold emotions in your body and fear is held in you psoas, iliopsoas, psoas and pectoral muscles. In this fear releasing practice you will work on these muscles, let go of that cord of fear, and float back up to the surface of your truth. You are the pure essence of JOY!
- Put on music you absolutely love, sing from the top of your lungs, dance from the feeling of joy in your body. Keep going — song after song!
- Keep your dance party going and cook, garden, paint or do something you love from your place of joy.
- Gift your feeling of joy to someone else. Do something special for someone else. If possible don’t let them know it was you who did it! That’s super joyful!
When you do these 4 simple steps you will remember you are pure essence of JOY!
Share what brings you joy! I’ve got a space below to do that it’s called the comments section below — but for now, we are calling it the JOYful party place. Share — I want to know what brings you joy and celebrate with you.

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