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A Note From Your Inner Legs
Release Anger To Free Your Inner Legs.
This will help your knees, hips and lower back.
Hey You,
I’m the space where you hold unprocessed anger. I’m full up and need you to release your anger before I explode or implode. I’ve really had enough. So, I hope you are listening.
In the right inner leg you hold anger toward others. When I give you a pulled groin muscle, inner knee issues or hip challenges on the right, it’s because you are angry at someone or something outside of you and you’re not processing through your anger. I want you to feel the anger. It’s just telling you that a need isn’t being met by someone outside of you. Listen, figure out what need isn’t being met and feel the anger, feel it inside of you for 90 seconds or more, then you can release it and it will dissipate. I will feel much better and then you’ll be free to figure out a different way to meet your need.
When you feel groin, hip or inner knee issues on the left, it’s me, telling you to process through the anger toward yourself. What are you so upset about. You are amazing and I want you to remember that. Being angry at yourself only hurts you and stops you from doing all the incredible things we came here to do.
I understand, you were taught your ways of anger. Mom taught you what to be angry about inside of yourself and dad taught you what to be mad about outside of yourself. You can undo these teachings and learn to feel your anger and use it to guide you out of situations and places that don’t work for you and into spaces that do.
Please, please begin to release your held anger. I’m getting really pissed about having to hold on to it for you.
Let go with a GRRRRR and Arrrrgh!!
Your inner leg
Inner Leg Release Story
Henry was an angry, angry man. Upon meeting him I noticed he was overweight with a red face that seemed ready to explode at any moment. Henry came to see me because he was having right inner knee issues. He could barely walk and was super mad about having to limp around.
Everyone that I see privately, I explain that I look at them as an energy body, meaning I will be noticing what the body is saying on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Henry heard me and shot back, “I’m fine on all levels except my knee hurts”. I answered back that he was in charge of the session and if I attempted to go somewhere he didn’t want to go all he had to do was tell me and I’d back off.
Because Henry’s pain was in his right knee I worked on his inner right leg, the gracilis muscle. It was super tight and right above the knee I discovered a huge knot of tension. As I worked on that knot, gently releasing the fascia, I asked Henry what happened to him about the age of fourteen and he burst into tears. Uncontrollable tears. He sobbed and sobbed, apologizing and apologizing. I let him cry apologize and kept working on the knot of tension.
After many minutes the story came out. His father had died when he was fourteen in a automobile accident. His mother immediately fell apart and Henry had to become the man of the family, taking care of his mother and his younger siblings. Life was hard. Henry went to school, went to work, came home, cooked dinner, fed the family and made sure they all got to bed safely.
He didn’t grieve the loss of his father. He was too busy. He was mad that his dad had left him. His life had become difficult. As Henry grew up he attracted difficult people and formed relationships with them. They all relied on him to take care of them.
As the story popped out of Henry’s mouth, the knot I was working on let go. It was a big ball of tension from hanging on to his anger that was hooked in to grief for many, many years.
Henry got relief from that session. No one was more shocked about what had transpired than Henry. He walked out of my studio space with barely a limp and booked another private with me.
A Little Movement To Release Your Inner Legs
What are you angry about and holding onto in your inner legs?? Do your knees, hips or lower back bother you? Do you want to free yourself from unprocessed anger? Check out this little movement and join in on our Ageless Movement Practice to get big relief.

Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. Slowly, walk your legs apart. With hands behind your buttocks, exhale and pick yourself up and move forward, until you can’t go any further.
Take your hands to the floor in front of you. Roll your inner legs in and walk your hands forward bringing your chest to toward the floor without lifting your tail. Find your edge. Drop your head and neck and feel your inner legs. Notice the tension. This is unprocessed anger. Breathe out the anger and breathe in freedom. After 2 minutes, come slowly up, place your hands behind your buttocks and sit back to feel the lightness in your being.
You have more work to do in this tight space of held anger. Join in on this week’s inner leg practice and feel the freedom.
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