Who knew? The Monkeys knew
Hang like a monkey to have healthy, pain-free shoulders. John M. Kirsch, an orthopedic surgeon, says that 99% of shoulder pain can be cured and prevented by simply hanging from a bar. Those smart monkeys.
Gravity and injuries encourage the shoulder to deform and cause the acromion (the bony part of the shoulder blade) to become hooked downward. So by having the arm extended overhead, the humerus (arm bone) will press against the acromion and remodel it over time. This can also help strengthen the rotator cuff and increase shoulder range of motion. Pretty cool, huh?!
In this week’s Ageless Movement Practice you will learn a lot of cool ways to hang and bring your arms overhead. Your shoulders will fall back into correct alignment, be free, happy and ready to swing. Here comes the next branch!

A shoulder story
I ran into my neighbor the other day and she told me her hands hurt. She had even gone so far as seeing an alopathic medical doctor to see if she had Rheumatoid Arthritis.
I took one look at her and knew what was going on. Her shoulders were so tight they were up to her ears. I told her it was her shoulders and she said, “I’m not stressed!”
Her husband burst out laughing and said, “Sure, you’re not stressed.”
They bantered back and forth a bit and when I could get a word in — I told her to work on her shoulders and her hands would feel better.
It worked
The next morning, yes — the very next day. She reported she’d placed her noodle ball in her heart and laid over it with her arms overhead and magically her hands were pain free.
Pain free? AWESOME!! Our bodies are so easy to take care of if we just listen and know what to do to help them!!
A gift for you:
An Ageless Body Note From Your Shoulders
Dear One,
It’s time for you to let go of me. Holding me, your shoulders, up to your ears is way too much work and only wears us both out. Set down your emotional burdens so we can drop below your neck where we belong.
When you believe you are responsible for everything and everybody, your shoulders will grow tight and shove up toward your ears. You have to let go of your responsibility belief.
You came here to be free. To love you and to love them. To forgive yourself and them. To walk in gratitude with soft shoulders.
Go hang from the monkey bars.
Your Shoulders (via Michelle Andrie)
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