Treat Your Body Like A Temple
Your body is a temple given to you by the Universe. What an amazing gift of beautiful architecture and incredible engineering. Think about it for a minute, the energy that is you lives in a gift, a gift that can endure so much stress and heals itself. Consider that, your body temple heals itself. As a result, if you cut your finger right now, it would heal, in very little time. I cut my finger last week and it was healed shut in about two days. Wow, how did we all get so lucky to receive such a mind blowing gift?
One of the most amazing things about your body temple is, it takes care of you, regardless of what you do to it. But If you choose to listen to your body temple, give it what it wants to be healthy, and keep maintaining it — your body temple takes really good care of you. And a little bit of attention to this incredible piece of architecture you live in gives back big results. Hence, A little bit goes a long way, you don’t need to crank out a hard workout for several hours a day or only eat raw vegetables.
Here’s all your body temple requires:
- A daily conscious energy opening body practice
- A sweet walk
- A nutritious diet
- A balance between work and rest
- Lots of water
- Deep breaths
- A gratitude for your life practice
You make all the choices about what you focus on and choose to do with your body temple. Whether to put in healthy alive food, like kale, to fuel it or you can feed it junk food. The choice is yours to be super active and push your body to the limit or sit on the couch and barely move or move and rest in balanced moderation.
You have free choice and your body talks to you. When you choose to feed yourself healthy food it responds by feeling good and looking good. If you choose to eat mainly Doritos and other high salt, low nutrient foods, you will feel shitty because your body needs other nutrients to be fully functional. Push your body too hard and it will give you injuries, that’s your body telling you to slow down. If you sit too much your back will hurt and you’ll gain weight, which is your body temple saying, move me more. Your body talks to you all the time. Incredible, a body temple that talks to you and tells you exactly what works for it and what doesn’t.
Listen up!
Now, All you have to do is listen. YOU have to listen and treat your body temple like the amazing, awesome structure it is. And only you can do it for you. How awesome is that. No one else can do it for you. Yes, this way you get to keep your power. I know the feeling of powerlessness because in the past I’ve had the mindset that others had the answers for me.
Yes, you need others but only to guide you, to give you choices when you are confused, to form energy practices or recipes for healthy food. Perhaps, to offer guidance on herbs or medicines when your body temple is sick or injured. BUT you must continue to listen to your body as you are guided. You are the owner/manager of your own body temple. No one can take care of it the way you can because only you can listen to what it’s saying.
You are an amazingly, powerful, beautiful body temple. Choose to take really good care of it so it will take good care of you.
Watch the free crowdcast
A couple weeks ago, Molly Patrick of Clean Food Dirty Girls and I did a free session guiding you to take good care of your feet, lower back and shoulders while you batch cook. Today, I’m sharing this replay with you so you can watch it and do some of the movements that will make your body temple feel so good no matter what you are doing. Watch it whenever you like and enjoy!! I’m also giving you a note from your feet, lower back and shoulders. These notes are my weekly gift to you to get you to start listening to your body temple
You deserve to do the things you love, pain free, you beautiful custodian of incredibly designed architecture and engineering that is filled with the energy of YOU!
P.S. Look at how our members are consciously opening their energy bodies this week, If you want to join them sign up here.

Here’s A Note From Your Feet, Lower Back and Shoulders
Dear Super Duper Human,
I’m your feet, lower back and shoulders. The parts of your body that you overwork when you cook, clean, plant flowers, and all those other things you do without thinking about us first. We’re the areas of you that keep you humble. You are super but not Superman or Superwoman.
We’ve decided to write you a short note to tell you to take better care of us so you can do all the things you love to do. We don’t require much but we do need a bit of help from you.
Open and strengthen your body
We need attention before you start chopping, wiping, pulling, and standing. Please take us to a practice that releases tension and tightness, opens us up to the energy flow, and makes us strong enough to endure the amount of time it takes you to do what you do. I know you think you can just jump in a phone booth, put on a funny suit, and tackle anything you want to do but we need a bit more preparation than that.
The pain you feel when your working is the message we give as we’ve reached our edge. We’re saying stop, take a break, open up your tight, painful places, then come back to your chores or your fun. When you take good care of us, we’ll take good care of you. We’ll gift you with feet that can stand for hours, freedom from pain in your lower back and soft shoulders.
Yes, we know, the answer to all questions seems to be self care. Sorry it can’t be put on the funny outfit and conquer the world.
Self care is super duper,
Your Feet, Lower Back and Shoulders (via Michelle Andrie)
P.S. – From your feet, lower back and shoulders – Open us to the flow of your energy and we will feel good no matter what you do or how long you do it. Check out the Ageless Movement Practices to feel even better in less than 45 minutes. Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page to hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners.
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