You can find many reasons to avoid facing yourself every day. To face you is challenging and I understand. It was only two years ago that I made the commitment to consciously go to the mat for me. Only ME. First thing every morning. To take my body to conscious movement therapy, face what’s going on inside of me, listen to my body/being, and respond to what needed to change within me.
For years, it seemed easier to find someone to blame for my unwillingness to change. It seemed easier to get distracted instead of facing the ugly truth inside of me. It was more simple to find excuses instead of the courage to overcome my shortcomings.
A challenge
So, I challenge you — what do you want to change? Get clear on what you want to be different. Write it down in detail.
Then get out your mat and face yourself. Feel your body with movement, the breath, some ball work. Get real with the change you want to see throughout your entire being. Then get truthful and answer the following questions.
Who do you blame?
Your partner or spouse?? He or she doesn’t face themselves so you don’t get on your mat to move and face yourself. How about your kids? Their schedule is too busy so you don’t make time for yourself. What about your job? Your hours are too long and you’re too tired. Your parents, your dog, the government?
Again, you have my full understanding. I blamed my students and clients– I made up I needed to think of others and their issues as I went to my mat every day. Yes, I’ve always had a daily practice but took everyone else with me to it. Now, I know I used them to avoid facing myself.
What do you get distracted by?
Do you look at your phone and get lost in social media? Is the couch and Netflix your downfall? How about that box of cookies at the top of the refrigerator? Do you answer every phone call that comes through to your cell at any time even when you’ve dedicated that time just for you?
For me, it was answering emails and Facebook. I chose to look outside of myself first thing in the morning instead of looking inward and facing myself.
What excuses do you make?
You’re too tight to move. Too heavy. You’ll face yourself with conscious movements when you lose a couple of pounds. Your boobs are too big and will get in the way. Your body hurts too much. Or you are too tired.
I wore out the I’m too tired rant. I could move like a champ for every class or private I taught but alone with just me I’d say, “I’m too tired.”
What other movements do you prioritize?
You like to run. The gym is more your style. Swimming does it for you. At your age, you need to lift weights. You like the camaraderie of a class.
I love to swim and would choose to go to the ocean instead of doing my conscious movement practice time and time again. Don’t get me wrong, swimming is awesome but it didn’t allow me to deeply listen to my body, my being and respond to its needs. To face myself and focus on what I wanted to change.
Break down
I didn’t choose to move my body, soul, and spirit consciously alone with myself on my mat until I got so far away from my true self that it was the only way back. Stuffing my face, watching movies, drinking some wine, focusing on everyone else didn’t work.
I finally ran out of energy and felt as if I’d lost everything. I walked around saying, “I don’t know”. It was my answer to every question. But I knew deep inside that I needed to get alone on my mat, face myself, consciously move my body and listen to what it had to say.
I finally got on my mat
Thankfully, from thirty years of training, study, teaching, and exploring — I knew how to talk to my body. I understood what it was saying to me. As I communed with my body, deeply listened, and faced what it needed — my mind settled and my soul soothed.
Here’s the AMAZING part
Within days of committing to a 30-45 minute morning conscious movement practice, I begin to put my life back together. I knew what to do and what not to do. My energy came back as I connect to Life Force and I was inspired!
Inspired to guide others to face themselves. To translate the language of the body so people could understand what their body/being was needing. I’m only doing what I do now in the way I do it because I got on my mat, faced myself and became inspired.
It took me breaking down, falling apart to hear the inspiration. A daily conscious body-centered therapy movement practice, alone, on the mat, is the key to living a life of love. I have to face myself first before I can face anyone else. And it is the path to fall in love with myself and feel my love connection to all.
I now only do my work or go for a swim after I’ve had time alone on my mat facing myself. After I feel the daily inspirations that are there just waiting for me to pick them up.
Best of all
I am the change I wanted to see inside of me and out in the world. Hope vibrates within me. I act and react from a place of peace and calm the majority of the time. My heart is open and I share the love.
You have to face you and listen to your body, mind, and soul every day
It’s best to do a conscious movement practice every morning before you start your day. Doing a morning practice allows you to flow into your day connected to your body. soul, and Life Force. Find clarity in this week’s Ageless Movement Practice. It will clear up your fog of excuses and unite all parts of yourself to listen and feel your inspirations! You can be the change you want to see.
Try this simple eye exercise to face yourself

Sit in a comfortable seated position. Drop your tail down, ribs in and down, roll your inner arms out, squeeze your shoulder blades together and allow your head and neck to stack on top of your spine.
Look straight ahead and hold your head steady. Find your breath and when ready on an exhale look up toward the top of your head. Hold for 2 breaths. Exhale look down toward your belly and hold for 2 breaths. Exhale look right and hold for 2 breaths and exhale look left holding for 2 breaths.
Repeat as many times as you’d like. When done, rub your hands together and place them over your eyes for several breaths. Now, face whatever is challenging you in your body, your life or your soul. See it clearly and allow it to be. From this place of acceptance, you can decide to make any changes you want to see inside of you.
I’d love to hear what happens to you when you get alone on your mat and face yourself. Let me know in the comments below.
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