It’s so strange not to hug people.
I hug but I didn’t realize how often I hugged people.
Every time I encountered my friends in my neighborhood we hugged.
Each and every yoga class I taught I hugged each person as they came to class and as they left.
Anytime I was introduced to someone new we hugged and kissed on the cheek — this is the way everyone greets each other in Hawaii — even men!
I can’t hug others so I’m slowly wrapping my arms around my heart and giving myself a big heart hug and it feels good. Really, really good. I’m wondering if this virus is showing me it’s time to love myself first.
Energetically, arms are the expression of love. Up to a couple of weeks ago, I was out hugging lots & lots of people. Showing that I loved them. Which I still do but since I’m social distancing — I’m giving myself those hugs. Perhaps I’m just catching up on my self-love.
Any human interaction can pass on the coronavirus. Blares from the TV over and over again. To stop the spread of the virus we have to stop interacting. That is absurd but it is where we find ourselves.
So, let’s hug — ourselves.
The more I hug me — the more my arms and shoulders feel good. It’s as if my body has needed these hugs and I didn’t know until now.
I would have never known how much I needed self-hugs unless hugging others became prohibited. I know it may be a small side-effect of these times but right now — I’ll take any positive side-effect.
Try hugging yourself several times a day and notice how your arms and shoulders feel! Also, spread your beautiful arm/wings with this week’s Ageless Movement Practice. You’ll be lifting off and soaring in no time.
Watch this video below to get your first Coronavirus Craziness Immune System Booster.
How does hugging yourself feel? Let us know in the comments section below.
A virtual hug to you and a real hug for me,

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