Yes — intestinal gas
It seems quite strange to me that I could walk out onto a public street and yell at someone and people may see me as a bit rude but if I go and let out a fart in public. I’d have just performed a big social no-no. Oh, the shame of it!
Farting stops all conversation, causes roaring laughter followed by name-calling.
I bet we all can remember when we have let out an audible fart in public. It is one of the most embarrassing things you can do.
Farting is so good for you and is completely natural. It is an important part of our digestion. When our stomach breaks down foods, it eliminates certain by-products that go into our intestines as gas. This gas must be released by our system to be healthy.
The benefits of releasing gas:
#1. You will feel so much better — Oh man, the build-up of a fart. The tightening of your gut, the ache, and when you finally let go — ahhhhh the release feels so good.
#2. Reduce bloating — One of the symptoms of gas in your body is bloating. The other day my belly swelled so big and about an hour later I let out several big farts and my belly became flat again. It felt great!
#3. It’s good for your colon — Holding onto your pee, poop or a fart is unhealthy for you and could even be dangerous. The Yogis say “If you want to keep something, go upside down. If you want to eliminate something, stand up.” You don’t want to keep your gas — so stand up and toot.
#4. It means you are healthy — Yes, the healthier you eat the more gaseous you are. Some of the best foods to feed your microbiome and encourage functional digestion are foods like cabbage, cauliflower, and my favorite — brussels sprouts. When these leafy greens get your gut bacteria turned on and working hard it means you have better digestion and more gas!
According to gastroenterologist Purna Kashyap from Mayo Clinic, “eating foods that cause gas is the only way for the microbes in the gut to get nutrients.”
#5. Smelling your farts may be good for you — What? It’s true — Dr. Mark Wood, an Exeter lecturer, had this to say: “Although hydrogen sulfide is well known as a pungent, foul-smelling gas in rotten eggs and flatulence, it is naturally produced in the body and could, in fact, be a healthcare hero with significant implications for future therapies for a variety of diseases.”
#6. It can serve as a health alarm bell — Pay attention to your farts and if you have any of the following symptoms: extreme odors, pains when passing gas, or more frequent gas it could signal food intolerance or even colon cancer.
#7. Heart Health — If you don’t release the pressure of gas building up in your system, it can put undue pressure on your heart which could lead to heart problems. You could also experience anxiety and headaches from increased pressure building up inside of you.
So, let out your gas, toot away, fart to your heart’s content with this week’s Ageless Movement Practice. It’s all about releasing the tension in your gut and the pressure in your entire body. You’ll feel so free and your lower back, belly, and hips will feel much better.
You will also receive Coronavirus Craziness Immune Booster #5 — Twist to cleanse your body of held toxins. A twist a day keeps the doctor away!
What are your gassy farts telling you about your health? Let us know in the comment section below!

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