Breathe by placing your hands on your belly. Take a deep breath in through your nose and a full breath out through your mouth saying, “haaaaaa“.
Feel the rising up of your belly on the wave of your inhalation and the drop of your belly back toward your spine on your exhalation. Your breath is the first step to loving your belly.
It’s time to focus on your belly — this center of yourself. It is your power center and it contains the fuel that will move you through this very interesting time.
When you find yourself holding your breath. Don’t analyze it just take a deep breath in and a full breath out of your beautiful belly and get back to riding the waves of your breath — the waves of belly love.
Talk nice to your belly — Thank it for —
Digesting your food.
Eliminating waste and toxins.
Holding the cups of your energy — your kidneys.
Take some time to look at your belly. Soften your gaze and rub on it from right to left and tell your belly it is beautiful.
Your beautiful belly has worked so hard for you and in the time of such outward focus, you may have lost the appreciation for this powerful space. Take back your belly love. It deserves it. You deserve it.
Don’t care what others may think about your belly or probably more accurately what you make up they think. All that matters is your thoughts and feelings around your belly.
And NOW —
More than at any other time in our lives. You need your soft, loved on belly to move you from fear to love. To get you on your mat loving yourself every day. To say “no” to fear and “yes” to love.
Maybe this virus, the strange weather patterns, the crazy divides between people — maybe, just maybe it’s all here to get us back to what is really important.
Start falling back in love with yourself by focusing your love on your sweet belly. From there, your center, your core can move your love out into this big beautiful world that is only here to remind you that you are love.
You are love. We all are love! Let’s all say “no” to fear and “yes” to love. Let’s make it a love chorus vibrating up from our bellies and out into the world!
Now, more than ever we all need some good belly love. Start loving on your belly with this week’s belly love Ageless Movement Practice.
From the comfort of your own home — you’ll open your belly, find your full deep breath and get a good core workout!
How do you feel about your belly? Let us know in the comments section below.
Big belly love,

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