In wanting to hold on to security, to the rock at hand that we think will keep us safe, we forget our essential nature. We have emerged from the ocean of soul. We are like pearls, grown and made more beautiful by each tide of life crashing over us again and again without respite. The ebbs and flows of existence are our natural habitat, and once we realize the risings and fallings we will finally begin to feel at home.
Home is the ocean, the vastness of unity, the time of eternal beauty. Let us open to our mysterious and wondrous essential nature, let us merge into the ocean of love. We will then be drowned in the wave of bestowal, and put to sleep by the roar of the sea, to awaken again to see the morning of happiness just dawned. –Rumi’s The Path of Love
To learn how to be happy look to chapter ten from Rumi’s Path of Love.
The secret code of happiness is written into each phrase of this beautiful poem. I will take you line by line so you too can know how to be happy no matter what is going on around you.
Before we begin, here’s a little history on Rumi —
Jalaluddin Rumi was born in the year 1207 in Balkh, Afghanistan, which at that time was a part of the Persian Empire. His family fled Afghanistan and ended up in Konya, Turkey where Rumi became a scholar of the sacred texts of Sufism which were the bases of his own experience of the divine.
We will dissect this poem to receive it’s secret code to happiness which came from the selected poems of The Divani Shamsi Tabriz, IX.
Rumi’s Path of Love Chapter #10 Line 1-
In wanting to hold on to security, to the rock at hand that we think will keep us safe, we forget our essential nature.
Here Rumi instructs to let go of all ideas, beliefs, thoughts, actions, and things that weigh you down. I’ve been a yoga therapist to many wealthy people over the years and I’ve noticed that those with money and lots of “things” are less happy than those that have enough money to pay their bills and live a simple life.
As posted in the Nature Human Behavior Journal researchers found that $95,000 overall is the point where, globally, extra money does not change the level of your well-being.
Now, I do know that may be a lot of money for you but it is interesting that you don’t need to make millions — you just need a little under $100,000 a year per individual to be happy. That oughta make you relax and smile a bit.
Rumi’s Path of Love Chapter #10 Line 2-
We have emerged from the ocean of soul.
In this line Rumi is suggesting that you are connected to something great and vast, like the ocean, and your soul remembers this connection.
Your soul holds your truth. In this time of rapid change go back to places where you find your truth. Your truth may flow while walking in nature, meditating, listening to music, dancing, painting — whatever it is — do it and connect to the truth of your soul. Flowing with your soul’s truth will make you happy!
Rumi’s Path of Love Chapter #10 Line 3-
We are like pearls, grown and made more beautiful by each tide of life crashing over us again and again without respite.
Rumi is acknowledging that life includes hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, lava flows, tornados and viruses. These challenges shape you and allow you to shine if you allow the change!
It is in our nature to take care of one another during challenging times. A couple of years ago I watched as my community came together to help each other through a lava flow. It was a beautiful experience.
Even today I find more love and support than anger and division. I’m happy about all the support surrounding my daughter who contracted COVID-19.
Rumi’s Path of Love Chapter #10 Line 4-
The ebbs and flows of existence are our natural habitat, and once we realize the risings and fallings we will finally begin to feel at home.
Rumi is saying life is all about the ups and downs. When you swim in the ocean the waves carry you up and set you down. If you fight the flow of the ocean you will grow exhausted. The same is true for your life — if you fight the flow of your life you will grow exhausted.
Allow all to be. Let go and enjoy the ride. Soon you will feel at home and be happy with where you are right at this moment.
It is important for me to stay in gratitude and appreciation for where I am and what I have at this moment. It is essential for me to trust that everything will work out in the future.
Rumi’s Path of Love Chapter #10 Line 5-
Home is the ocean, the vastness of unity, the time of eternal beauty.
Rumi is reminding you that you are one with everyone and everything and that’s beautiful. Knowing that you are one lets you know you are not alone. This connection with all can be felt when you get still and breathe in and out of your heart. Once you feel the connection you will be happy.
Rumi’s Path of Love Chapter #10 Line 6-
Let us open to our mysterious and wondrous essential nature, let us merge into the ocean of love.
In this line Rumi is reminding you that you are unique and connected to all around you. Be happy with who you are and the love that surrounds you.
Rumi’s Path of Love Chapter #10 Line 7-
We will then be drowned in the wave of bestowal, and put to sleep by the roar of the sea, to awaken again to see the morning of happiness just dawned.
Rumi reminds you that you are supported and help is always on its way if you need it. So, relax, trust and wake up to the happiness that surrounds you. No matter what challenges you face.
Ancient truths
Rumi lived a long, long time ago and his work is still relevant today. This beautiful Rumi poem gives you the answer to being happy. Let go, trust, and allow the ups and downs of life to carry you back to a place of happiness.
Get happy with this week’s Ageless Movement Heart Dance Practice. You will open your heart and flow on the waves of love.
Where are you finding happiness during these challenging times? Please share in the comments section below!

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