Hey You,
The other day I felt like I was walking on slippery ice. You know slippery like your feet slide and arms flail. You spin around trying to stay upright. I was going down. I’d been knocked off balance.
Are you spinning around and feel like you can’t keep your feet solid on the ground?
You aren’t alone
In this raging river of information rapidly flowing toward you, it’s easy to believe outer voices more than your own inner truth. That’s a sure way to get knocked off balance and begin to lose yourself.
Balance is simple
Before you fall flat on your ass, I’m going to show you how I stopped myself from banging my butt on the hard earth. If I can get back in balance. You can get back in balance too.
Really, it’s simple to create balance in your life. Do a daily body balance practice. I give you one, subscribe by clicking here. Just do it 2-3 times this week and you’ll find your footing.
Take an inventory, do more of what works for you and less of what doesn’t. You’ll notice your arms softening, the spin stops and you become peaceful. More peace equals more happiness. Happy you is so good.
Do a body balance practice
Practicing body balance grounds you. Guides you to move your energy down to connect with the earth. You’ll learn to root down to grow up and out of imbalance, anxiety, and stress. I’m giving you the balance practice I used to get my feet firmly planted back on land in this weeks Ageless Movement Practice.
Do it! Really, take the time to do this balance practice and you’ll feel stable.
Take a balance inventory
A balance inventory allows you to take a deep look at what works and what doesn’t work in your life. Doing the inventory is simple.
You know the things that work in your life, write them down. And once you have the list, do more of those things and spend more time with those people.
You know the things that don’t work, write them down. And once you have the list, spend less time doing those things and less time with those people.
The choice is yours
Now, you can choose to focus on the things that bring you balance, stability and happiness. Or you can choose to connect with what uproots you and causes you stress. It’s your life.
I chose to go off balance
Like I was sharing, I went off balance with my daughter, Hannah, a twenty something. She’d been doing well. Loving her job at a yoga studio and practicing yoga everyday. She was handling life challenges on her own. I was feeling relaxed with her. My guard was down.
She changed.
Hannah decided she needed to move from Chicago, IL to Oakland, CA. Not, make a plan and move within the next year but Hannah needed to move, now. My brain went to “Oh, dang! I thought she’d matured”.
She struggled, I struggled
As Hannah struggled. she called me crying to get me to fund her move. I explained that she was an adult, needed to make a plan, get another job, save money, blah, blah, blah. You know, the logical explanation–when she had enough resources, it would be time to move.
Because I didn’t immediately give Hannah the answer she was seeking, she lashed out calling me a horrible mother. So, I hung up the phone. She’d call back demanding I meet her needs. Again, I’d say no. She’d rage, “You never support me.” I’d hang up on her. I hung up on Hannah many times but didn’t let her go.
I hung on to Hannah’s struggle. After several sleepless nights, I’d had enough. It was time to for me to stop. I took a balance inventory and began a daily whole body balance practice. Yes, the one I’m giving you in this week’s Ageless Movement Practices. My reaction to Hannah was the inspiration for the practice.
I let go
As I did my body balance practice, I felt more grounded. I replaced obsessing about Hannah with focusing on my balance inventory. I began to sleep at night.
A few days later, Hannah called to apologize. I accepted her apology and listened as Hannah shared a logical plan of action for her move.
Tears of gratitude flowed from my eyes. I’d found the courage to let my daughter go and face her own challenges. To figure out her own way to get what she wanted. In the process, Hannah felt deep inner pride for accomplishing her own goal and I learned to trust her.
Hannah’s on the road right now, driving to California with her two besties from Chicago. I just hung up the phone from talking to them. They were eating at a Nepalese restaurant in Golden, Colorado. Too busy to talk to me. Phew!
Imbalance feels horrible. Uprooting can cause anxiety, stress, illness, and tightness in your body. Also, you can stop having fun and believe life is difficult. Yuk, I know you don’t want to do that.
Also, the stress of losing your grounding can cause sleep difficulties. Those sleepless nights of tossing and turning. I know you know what I’m talking about. Lack of sleep makes you cranky, unfocused and even more out of balance. As a result, you become more anxious and stressed. A vicious cycle.
If you find yourself in imbalance, say “Enough”. Do your balance inventory and your daily body balance practice. You’ll feel better in no time. And whatever was bothering you, will resolve itself. Or you’ll make it less of a focus in your life.
Read this note from your body to give you your body’s perspective on balance.

A Note From Your Body On Balance
Dear Human Spirit,
I’m your entire body and I’m writing to you about balance. Please look at the places in your life that tip you off balance. You suffer when you worry too much, eat or drink in excess or not enough. We, your entire being, can’t take it when you choose to stay in bad relationships. Put up with bad behavior or stay in a job you hate.
When you do the things that knock you off balance. You get uprooted. The way your system works is energy moves down from your navel to your feet. Connecting you to the earth. Grounding you. From your navel on up your energy spirals, flowing off the top of your head. When your energy flows in these two directions, you are in balance.
Signs of imbalance
When you get uprooted, you spin up and off. So, we give you anxiety to get your attention. When you don’t heed that warning, we give you tight butt cheeks, shoulders and jaws. That’s our way of trying to stop you from spinning out of control. If you don’t listen to these warning bells, we go further. You get sciatica and/or TMJ, as our attempt to get you to let go and root down.
Please do body balancing practices to find your grounding again, your butt cheeks, jaws, and shoulders will relax. Also, your energy will flow smoothly down to the earth. And back up from rooted stability. Finally, you will calm down and feel peaceful.
Please listen to your body and stay rooted to flow up.
Ahhhhhh. Peace out!
Your body (via Michelle Andrie)
P.S. – From your balanced body – Take your power back and choose a balanced life. Begin today by doing a balanced body practice and a balance inventory. Check out the Ageless Movement Practices to feel balanced in less than 45 minutes. Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page. To hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners and join us on Friday mornings a t 8 am Hawaii time, 2 pm EST, 1 pm CST and 11 am PST for Facebook Live Free Flow Friday.
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