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Twists Realign Your Spine And Cleanse Your System
Dear Twisted Sister and Brother,
I am your spine and I want you to twist, twist, twist, everyday. Twists feel sooooo good to me. They wring me out and clear toxins out of my system. Twists realign me, your spine, which is the pathway to your entire energy system. Cleaning and straightening me up makes your energy run smoother and easier in and out of your entire body.
Your Lower Back
Here are a few things you need to know about me, your spine and twists. First of all, the lower part of me, your tail, sacrum and lumbar spine do not twist. Do NOT, like a warning label on a bottle of poison. When you tork and twist me, your sacrum, tail or lumbar vertebrae can pop or push out of alignment. You then have pain, your lower back will hurt and you can get sciatica. This is me telling you don’t turn your lower spine. Stop!!
Your tail, sacrum & lower back represent your lower energy centers. Your human energy. The energy here moves in straight lines so it seems like everything makes sense, 1 + 2 = 3. It is the space of the known. Keep this lower area of the spine in a straight line.
Your Mid-back
Turn from your navel on up. Right at the beginning of your thoracic spine about even with your navel, I can turn. In fact, turn me please!! This is the space of your solar plexus where your human & spirit meet. Spirit twists you into the unknown, while your human self grounds you into the known. They are meant to circle dance together. Not the human personality pulling the spirit into a straight line or the spirit taking the personality into a twist.
When your are stuck here and unable to twist deeply, you must let go and allow more “I don’t know” into your life. If you are unstable here, too twisty, ground down into the known.
Your Upper Back
As you go up your spine, I have the ability to turn even more and you are becoming more and more spiritual. Your heart is purely spiritual, when you try to make sense of love, you’ll be unable to turn from here. Let go in love. Don’t hang on to anyone or anything and call it love. Love is all about freedom. Allow all to be.
Your Neck
Your neck, cervical spine, gets even more twisted. More Spiritual. This is the space of your voice. You came here to speak your truth, When your neck is tight, you aren’t speaking your truth. Time to speak up. It may seem twisted to you, but it’s your truth.
Your Axis
Your eyes are represented by the Cervical Vertebrae 2 or the Axis. C2 turns your head side to side when you shake your head “no”. You are meant to twist your Axis to see behind you. When you are tight here and you have a hard time saying “no”, it’s because your sight is an issue. You aren’t seeing your reality clearly. Time to clearly see your truth. Don’t take on other people’s truth or make yourself less than because you feel unworthy. Take the risk to see what is real for you.
Your Atlas
The top Cervical Vertebrae #1 or the Atlas can turn in a 360 circle. It represents your connection to your higher power. The space where you fully merge with that which is greater than you. There is no grounding here and is entirely the space of the unknown. When you allow yourself to be fully twisted, you know the unknown, God or whatever name you have for the highest vibration. I, your spine. personally like the name love. When you get headaches, dizziness or other brain issues that’s me, your Atlas, saying connect in love by twisting!
Stay twisted,
Your Spine
Tracy’s Twisted Tale
Tracy was twisted in her lower back. She’d popped her sacrum out of alignment and was experiencing lower back pain. As I looked at Tracy I noticed that her upper body was stiff and unable to turn much and she did the majority of her twisting with her lower back.
She was using her spine in the exact opposite way it was built. In Tracy’s space of the known her lower spine she was twisty, trying not to know what she knew and her upper spine she was working really hard to know that which is in the unknown.
As I worked on Tracy and shared this information with her she told me she was a minister. She was preaching about God all the time so she felt she had to know “him”. As she worked really hard to intellectually figure out God, she was in full escape from grounding into her family of origin. Tracy shared that she suffered childhood abuse at the hands of her parents and didn’t want to connect with them or any family for that matter.
Ground Down to Flow Up
Her whole story showed up in her spine. It was time for Tracy to ground back into her roots, to accept her parents for who they were and begin the work of forgiving them. As she re-grounded, she could begin to accept her human spirit. The journey she had to take to be who she is today. From this base of appreciation, Tracy could explore her ideas of God and allow herself to not know and experience the unknown.
I gave Tracy a twist practice so her body could come back into alignment to help her do the work of grounding down and twisting up. Tracy took on the assignment and very quickly her body began to realign and feel better.
Keep walking, though there's no place to get to.
Don't try to see through the distances.
That's not for human beings. Move within,
but don't move the way fear makes you move.
Walk to the well.
Turn as the earth and the moon turn,
circling what they love.
Whatever circles comes from the center.

How To Twist
If you’d like to see what Tracy is doing to realign her spine and allow her energy to flow, join the Ageless Movement Practice this week.
P.S. – From your spine – I’m so proud you’re taking the steps to twist. I’m working right now to realign your spine and cleanse your system. Check out the Ageless Movement Practices right now to feel even better in less than 45 minutes. Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page to hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners.
I got a lot of useful tips about twists from this article. Thank you very much!
I have another article about twists. Maybe you will be interested in it^_^
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