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Free your lower back from pain and tension
Dear Gifted One,
I am your lower back, the container of your amazing gifts and talents. You have been given these gifts by the Universe so you can use them to connect to others. To create what you came here to create. Let go of control and fear. Celebrate and create.
When you hold back from owning your gifts, showing off your talents or not knowing what your gifts and talents are, I give you lower back pain. I don’t like to cause you pain. But I do need you to appreciate the gifts you‘ve been given and to use your gifts everyday to create and connect to form a beautiful life. Don’t be afraid. Create, Create.
If the right side of your lower back hurts, I’m attempting to get you to stop giving your gifts away to others or situations outside of you. Your gifts have value. Because of their value, contain yourself and appreciate your talents. Share them with those who will support you and your gifts. Don’t listen to the voices that don’t understand you. When you let them go or quit that job that doesn’t match your talents, your back pain will disappear.
The left side of your back becomes painful when you hold back from sharing your gifts because of your relationship to self. Perhaps, you don’t feel worthy or are unattached to your talents. Claim them, own them, share them and your lower back pain will ease up. You are more than worthy. You were chosen for these gifts. Love them. Appreciate you, the container of incredible talents.
You Can Do It
When pain radiates across both sides of your back and you know what your gifts are, get busy sharing with yourself and others. If you are confused, be still and ask: What am I really good at? What do I love to do? Where is my happy place? These are all clues that point to that one amazing talent or the multitude of gifts that have been bestowed upon you.
Dance, write, sing, invent, code, decode, organize, run, jump, pass the ball, lead, provide rest, love, figure out, see, draw, paint, construct, deconstruct, gather, hunt, connect, perform, memorize, twist into a pretzel, heal, cook, duck tape, manage, serve…. Whatever your gift…share!!
Time to express!
Your lower back
Lower Back Release Story
Harriett was in excruciating pain in her lower back. She’d been suffering for several months by the time she came to see me. As I looked at her back, I could see a major twist in her hips. Her right hip jutted forward and her sacrum was popped out on the right.
I noticed the entire right side of Harriett’s body was tight, tense and pulled in. Her left side was open and free. I asked her about feelings and she shared that she was super sensitive. I concluded, Harriett’s power was as a feeler and intuitive.
Therefore, I decided to begin by working on Harriett’s right iliopsoas muscle. It was super gripped. I asked her what she was afraid of and the story of having to go to college to please her family came out. The thought of college made Harriett anxious. She knew in her heart she wanted to become a yoga teacher. She was interested in helping others heal and wanted to get started on that journey.
Own Your Gifts To Live Your Life
Because of Harriett’s courage to share, it was all making sense. Her strengths were in feeling, not thinking, healing not analyzing. For that reason, she was having to work her right thinking side really hard to get through school. All she wanted to do was feel to heal!
As a result, I moved into Harriett’s right butt cheek. I noticed it was gripped tightly. Control. She wanted control of her life but couldn’t allow herself to do what she wanted. She was afraid to displease her family.
The family messages were causing Harriett so much pain. Because of her pain, she needed to let go of the family voice, take on her gift of sensitivity and began to share her healing abilities with others. I sent Harriet home with an iliopsoas opening practice and to contemplate letting go of the family messages and taking on her gift of healing.
Harriett came back to see me two weeks later and her back pain was so much better. She was still wrestling with her decision about college. I told her just to keep doing the practice. It would get her through to the time when she could allow herself to freely use her gifts and talents.

A Poem
Find not only what you love
But what loves you
And fills you
With a great sense of importance
To disappear in your place
Among all things
Instantly touching the heart
Of creation,
As I do tonight
Writing-being written
On the ever-emptying
Page of life,
Trembling and grateful.
Jack Adam Weber
How to release lower back pain
If you’d like to see what Harriett is doing to release the tension in her lower back, join the Ageless Movement Practice this week.
P.S. – From your back – I’m so proud you’re taking the steps to contain your gifts and talents. I’m working right now to release your lower back pain. Check out the Ageless Movement Practices right now to feel even better in less than 45 minutes. Join the Ageless Movement Facebook page to hear all the amazing results from the ageless practitioners.